Dec 2, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Homeowners you are going to pay more taxes!!! Defend MID.

Realtor Action Center

NAR Call for Action

Call for                                                           Action: Defend                                                           MID

Won't you please call your Representative to ask their help
in defending home ownership
and the Mortgage Interest Deduction? They need to hear from YOU today.

Click to                                                           Call

The Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID) is vital to both home ownership and our economy.

I'm disappointed that anyone in Congress — or on a Presidential Commission — would even suggest limits to the Mortgage Interest Deduction. Mortgage interest has been deductible for nearly 100 years, and the proposed changes will affect all 75 million home owners in the United States. We must act now to make sure the MID is not changed.

Ever since the Deficit Commission announced its conclusions, the news media have been buzzing about the report. And what do they emphasize? Proposals to limit or even eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction. I'm concerned because all this does is scare the public — and potential buyers — away from the housing market. The last thing the housing industry needs right now (and for the foreseeable future) is another bucket of ice water to be thrown on the market. People who hear these news reports don't differentiate between a proposal and a done deal. They just know that a tax provision they actually understand and rely on is under siege. This is just unacceptable.

I am asking you to call to your representative's office today to ask him or her to defend the Mortgage Interest Deduction from any cuts or reduction as outlined in the Deficit Commission Report.

This Call for Action requires you to do something a little different. In order to track the calls we are making to Congress, we need you to follow the link and enter your phone number and zip code to be connected to your representative's office. You can make this call now, or later today at a more convenient time. But we need you to make this call.

After you enter the information, you will receive a phone call with instructions before being patched through to Capitol Hill.

nav_red_arrow.gif Count me in Ron, I am ready to make my call*.

This call is important. We need to be clear and draw a line in the sand. While we all support efforts to reduce the deficit, further undermining the critical housing recovery cannot be the price that is paid. Here are some suggested talking points for you to use when you call:

 I am a constituent and a REALTOR®
 I have been on the front lines of the housing crisis. I can assure you that even talk of changing MID harms an already fragile market.
 I am strongly opposed to the Deficit Commission's proposal to either limit or eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction.
 News reports saying that Congress threatens to repeal or limit MID will keep potential buyers on the sidelines and further delay the housing recovery.

We must speak loudly and clearly with one voice to ensure the further recovery of our economy and the housing market and educate every legislator about how much Home Ownership Matters. We can't do that with the few REALTORS® who take action consistently. We need every REALTOR® to respond. Please call NOW and tell your representative to help defend home ownership and the MID*.

On behalf of the NAR Leadership team, thank you for your support and time,

Ron Phipps                                                     Signature 

Ron Phipps
2011 NAR President


*Standard text messaging fees and rates apply


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