Jan 30, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Check out In Cost Dispute, U.S. Halts Airlift of Haiti Quake Victims - NYTime

  • "...The United States has suspended its medical evacuations of critically injured Haitian earthquake victims until a dispute over who will pay for their care is settled, military officials said Friday
  • ".. The suspension could be catastrophic for patients, said Dr. Barth A. Green, the co-founder of Project Medishare for Haiti, a nonprofit group affiliated with the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine that had been evacuating about two dozen patients a day...."
  • "...People are dying in Haiti because they can't get out," Dr. Green said.."
so where did the $400 million in US aid go and the donations? like 9/11 and Katrina no accountability
like Iraq and Afhghanistan money seems to get lost
so why did USA resist other nations' help ?
poor people die that is the facts
poor people die that is the new normal
poor people die that is the new world order
the Nazis lost the war but fascists have won the peace - while people die many will profit from the occupation and rebuild

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda
'awaken and shaken the sheople'