Feb 4, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Advair Warning from a previous user

ADVAIR WARNING from a previous user: 



Dear Jan,


I read the whole pamphlet that came with Advair and never saw anything in it about a messed up menstrual cycle. A nurse finally told me that was one of the side effects!  I haven’t had a period normally or even a period at all sometimes, in the last three years.  No wonder I couldn’t get pregnant.  There were other symptoms that I had that I asked the doctor about and he would always tell me that it was not the medication. Some of the things that they admit Advair can cause are:


High blood pressure - I never got to the hypertension level but was always close

Rapid heart rate - My resting heart rate is in the 90's

Weight gain - Since I started taking advair I went from 140 to 195

Moon face - My face definitely was rounder but I just thought it was because I was gaining weight

Anxiety and Depression - I really experienced these - Thought I was going to die almost every day - I guess advair attacks your adrenals so you are always in the fight/flight mode

Trouble breathing - Crazy that an asthma med could make your breathing worse!

Trouble sleeping - I always wake up 5 times a night

Joint pain and bone density issues - My back is always messed up


Some of these are listed in the pamphlet but my doctors would always say "the medicine is not the problem" that only happens in 1% of patients and they just put those things in there to protect them from a lawsuit."


I still think that doctors can do some good but I will never trust them as much as I used to. I have never had to fight so hard to be heard and I feel like I am the one that has had to diagnose and fix myself. I am just thankful that God has been guiding me.


Over the past 3 years I have probably taken 30 different supplements and have done so much with my naturopath, and I just think my body could not start healing until it was off this medication. I took adrenal support for over a year and it did nothing for me. It is like all I could do was try to deal with the medication in my system. Now that it is gone I will try some of those things again. Thank goodness that is the only medication I was taking.


I am telling you all of this just incase you come across another person that takes this medication. So many of the side effects can manifest themselves in anxiety so I think that is why even the EFT did not seem to work for me sometimes, because my body could never get into a relaxed or focused state.

