Feb 28, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Will you be subjected to full-body scanners at the airport?

Do full-body scanners at the airport aimed at YOUR body upset you?


We are exposed to radiation through our cell phones, our wireless keyboard and mouse and other wireless devices, cell towers, X-rays, and now full body scanners!  Radiation is what the doctors do to cancer!    So, why do you suppose the dentist puts a lead apron over you when you get X-rays and he leaves the room????  The rays are radiation and they are poisonous to your body.  We are poisoning ourselves as a society with all our gadgets!


“Supporters of the scanners will probably tell you that this measure is taken with everyone's safety in mind. They will also tell you that the doses of radiation used in the backscatter technology are within safe limits. What they won't tell you is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation. The effects of exposure to radiation are cumulative.  Increased and repeated exposure accumulates in the body and continues to damage tissue and organs.”  Read more below.





Find the Healthy Answer to Full Body Airport Scanners

(NaturalNews) While governments and aviation authorities the world over contrive to increase the dose of ionizing radiation travelers are exposed to by installing full body backscatter scanners, the real question we should concern ourselves with is how do we protect our health in the face of the inevitable.

Make no mistake about it, they will be installed and we will be subjected to these searches whether we like it or not. This imposition follows the precedent set after the terror attacks of 9/11. The infringement of civil liberties is nothing new in these times and shouldn't come as a surprise especially as most nations have declared a war on terror.

Supporters of the scanners will probably tell you that this measure is taken with everyone's safety in mind. They will also tell you that the doses of radiation used in the backscatter technology are within safe limits. What they won't tell you is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation. The effects of exposure to radiation are cumulative. Increased and repeated exposure accumulates in the body and continues to damage tissue and organs.

Safe dose theorists have been shown to be mistaken by the work of the late Dr John Gofman (the considered expert on radiation) who is quoted as saying "there is no dose of radiation below which the risk of malignancy is nil". This being the case you should make every effort to avoid additional exposure wherever you can. With the inevitable looming on the horizon what are reasonable steps you can take to minimize this health debilitating measure?

First and foremost get educated and grow an awareness of the potential sources of radiation you are exposed to in the manner by which you live your life. If you think you are at particular risk get professional help or at the very least get yourself a Geiger counter and minimize your exposure as best you can. Remember exposure is cumulative so all exposure adds up and affects your health.

Secondly get a nutrient dense eating plan in place. Ionizing radioactive particles are somewhat opportunistic. Some of them bear similar resemblances to regular nutrients found in our diets. If you are lacking these in your regular diet you increase the chance that your body will absorb the radioactive counterparts in their absence.

Supplement and cover all bases. Start an advised and considered supplementation program; make sure you get the vital nutrients YOU need. Your biochemical individuality is a key expression of the way you function to remain optimally balanced and healthy. Support your needs through understanding your unique requirements.

Supplement with Alginic acid. Alginate as it is otherwise called has the ability to draw radiation out of the body better than most other substances. Adding alginate to your diet is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and continually remove absorbed radiation from your internal environment. The best source of alginate is raw seaweed; use it in salads and soups to maintain its health protective properties.

Radiation whether ionizing or non ionizing is a natural phenomenon and has been with us from the very beginning of time; what's changed is our ability to withstand its negative effects on our physiology. All fliers are subject to increased doses of radiation exposure because the atmosphere lets in more ionizing radiation the further away you fly from the earth's surface. The more you fly and the more you surround yourself with modern technology dependent on radiation, the more you should consider a comprehensive protection program to guard against radiation and jet lag.

Radiation & Human Health
- Dr John W. Gofman.

Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants with Foods Herbs and Vitamins
- Dr Steve R. Schechter

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Radiation Basics Homepage


Jan’s note:  Also take an iodine supplement such as Kelp tablets or Lugol’s iodine to keep your iodine levels high in your body.  No, Iodized salt doesn’t help.  It is gone from the salt within a few hours and never gets to your body.   Iodine settles in your throid, the same place that radiation tries to settle, so it helps protect you from some damage.  Avoiding radiation altogether is best.