Apr 27, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Aborted HUMAN baby cells in most Vaccines

US And Canada Aborted Fetal Vaccines In CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule Format : ... Indicates Vaccines Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines. Catch up age if not ...
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Vaccination Information & Choice Network - Vaccine *****
Vaccines Grown on Aborted Fetal Tissue ... Thank you for your letter concerning the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines.
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Vaccines - Do Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Tissue ****
Some parents reject vaccines on the basis that vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue. Is this really true? ... Fetal tissue is not used to produce vaccines; cell lines generated from a single fetal tissue source are ...
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Fetal tissue *****
The British Catholic Media Office stated that Catholic teaching would oppose the development of new vaccines, therapies, and studies from aborted fetal tissue.
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Vaccines, Abortion & Fetal Tissue ****
The advent of vaccines was a major milestone in medicine, savingmillions of There are two particular fetal cell lines that have beenheavily used in vaccine development.
www.rtl.org/ prolife_issues/ LifeNotes/ VaccinesAbortion_FetalTissue.html
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Fetal Tissue and the Production of Vaccinations: Do Vaccines ***
Today's vaccines are often made using cell-lines derived from an aborted fetus. Exploring why and what that means for pro-life families.
www.associatedcontent.com/ article/ 238012/ fetal_tissue_and_the_production_of.html
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ALL: Medical cannibals: The moral implications of fetal ***
Medical cannibals: The moral implications of fetal tissue vaccines WI-38 is normal lung tissue taken from a three-month old female childaborted in Philadelphia in 1961.
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Fetal tissue in vaccines? ***
DO VACCINES CONTAIN FETAL TISSUE? In a short answer, no. If we were But, they do use fetal tissue from aborted infants to grow theviruses.
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Vaccines - What's in Them? **
Medium: human diploid cells originating from human aborted fetal tissue. DPT . Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed.
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