Apr 24, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] SOY= Sterile Hamsters, Smoke & Mirrors - the Coming Non-GMO Revolution

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Sterile Hamsters, Smoke & Mirrors, & the Coming Non-GMO Revolution
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:01:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: Spilling the Beans <newsletter@responsibletechnology.org>

Sterile Hamsters, Smoke & Mirrors, & the Coming Non-GMO Revolution | VIEW IN BROWSER

Jeffrey Smith
Jeffrey Smith

The Huffington Post

New Study Confirms Fears About Mammal Sterility from GMOs

After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups. If this isn't shocking enough... Read Blog

The Huffington Post

Pseudo-Scientific Defense of GMO Safety is Smoke and Mirrors

Three years after I wrote Genetic Roulette, pro-GM scientists have finally taken me up on my challenge to supply evidence that counters any of the 65 risks highlighted in the book. Be sure to subscribe to my Huffington Post blog to catch the fun. Read Blog

Common Ground Magazine: The Coming Non-GMO Revolution


Common Ground Magazine:
The Coming Non-GMO Revolution

Warning! You may be about to change the way you look at food. Loyal brands that have followed you since childhood may soon disappear from your shopping cart. And the decisions you make today may fuel a global revolution...

Read the whole fast-paced, high-impact piece and forward it to your friends. It explains how only a tiny percentage of American consumers need to start avoiding GMOs in order to turn GM ingredients into a liability. Since they offer no consumer benefit, just over 5 million households starting to choose brands based on GMO content should be more than enough to hit the Tipping Point. Read Article

Institute for Responsible Technology

Help Please Donate Today as an Earth Day Investment in a Non-GMO Future

If everyone on this newsletter list would donate even $10, it would not only solve our immediate cash crunch, it would meet our minimum budget for the rest of the year. But as you know, a lot of people don't even get to their emails. So why not consider $10 per month, or whatever you can afford? Thanks so much for your continued support.

Donate Today

Say 'No

Action Alert

Say 'No' to GM Crops in Foreign Aid

Experts, scientists and advocates from around the world are petitioning the U.S. Senate in a concerted attempt to strip what they term a "stealth corporate giveaway" embedded in a foreign aid bill. The "Global Food Security Act" (S.384), expected to hit the Senate floor soon, is sponsored by Senators Casey (D-PA) and Lugar (R-IN). Monsanto has lobbied more than any other interest in support of this bill.

Sign the Petition ›

In The News

Court Rules in GMO Sugar Beet Case True Food Now

Bulgaria Votes to Stay GM-Free Reuters


Genetic Roulette

Genetic Roulette $27.95

Genetic Roulette, Seeds of Deception & The GMO Trilogy
Genetic Roulette, Seeds of Deception & The GMO Trilogy $49.95

HEALTHY EATING Starts with No GMOs! THE CAMPAIGN FOR HEALTHIER EATING IN AMERICAThe Institute for Responsible Technology is working to end the genetic engineering of our food supply and the outdoor release of GM crops. We warmly welcome your donations and support. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.

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