This week, however, they're furious over Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg's assertion that his government, in effect, has to do whatever our government tells it to do. Accused of breaking into NASA and U.S. Army computers in 2001 and 2002, the 44-year-old McKinnon could face up to 60 years in prison if convicted in this country. He says that he was looking for – and found – evidence of extraterrestrial activity on planet Earth. Human rights issues notwithstanding, London's Daily Mail reported May 26 that Deputy Prime Minister Clegg believes that it "may not be within (his) Government's power" to fight extradition. Think about that. Can you imagine the Vice President of the United States trying to convince us that our government is powerless against extradition proceedings being brought against one of our citizens by another country? Becuase that's exactly how Clegg is describing his country's relationship with the United States. The term "prison bitch" comes to mind. Charges filed against McKinnon allege that he caused roughly $700,000 in damages to NASA and U.S. Army computers. That's all. About what you'd pay for a Bentley sedan. No lives were lost, no launch codes compromised. When Clegg was running for office in July 2009, he said that it was "completely within (former Home Secretary Alan Johnson's) power to enact amendments … which would allow Gary McKinnon to be tried (in the U.K.)" Now that he's Deputy Prime Minister, however, he's saying that he doesn't think that anybody in the British government has the power to do so. You'll have to do better than that, Mr. Clegg. And somebody on this side of the pond needs to offer a more convincing explanation for all the fuss than $700,000 in damages. What did Gary McKinnon see? Peace Hugs and Purrs,
carolyn rose goyda
missouri, usa
rosegojda@aol.comBrits May Hand UFO Hacker to Uncle Sam on a Silver Saucer
U.K. computer hacker Gary McKinnon's legion of vocal supporters rejoiced last week when British Home Secretary Theresa May announced that she was putting the brakes on U.S. efforts to extradite him.
The jury's still out on that one, but McKinnon's lawyers argue that extraditing their client, who suffers from Asperger Syndrome , would constitute a breach of his human rights. Moreover, seven years into his extradition tug-of-war with the United States, McKinnon has become suicidal.
His excuse? "It's legally very complex."
May 29, 2010
[MedicalConspiracies] Brits May Hand UFO Hacker to Uncle Sam on a Silver Saucer - Technor
PS - Given that the bulk of the computers that Gary was able to 'hack' were not protected by even basic security or password procedures - the majority of the damage was actually over due maintenance and security procedures which had been left undone as malfeasance and poor management and in violation of standard security protocol - in an era of 9/11 overzealous citizen surveillance and airplane near strip searches
And note - NO Pentagon or NASA worker or subcontractor was fired or fined or reprimanded for that breach , or mismanagement or sheer dereliction of duty
The US has not supplied any supporting data for that damage estimate
NOR have they tried to extradite any of the Israeli or Chinese or Korean or Japanese govt or military hackers or their contractors who actually breached secured computers - or supposedly secure computers
And no one in the military or at defense contractors have been threatened with 60 years in a foreign jail for losing secure laptops or discs full of data and names and vital information - despite the clear breach in security and real dangerous loss of data and identities; and research or defense information
Sadly, this is yet another example of show pony justice and the abuse of individuals while govt or corporate crimes or malfeasance goes unpunished
The expenses and stress of 8 years of threat and danger is enough punishment - especially given he deserves a pat on the back - since Gary in fact - left notes ON THE COMPUTERS identifying the vulnerabilities - hardly the actions of a terrorist or malicious hacker
They should have hired him or paid him for doing 'their ' jobs
So much for why oil disasters and 9/11 and illegal wars happen without any real justice or accountability while small people continue to be crushed like bugs
Whether Gary was able to waltz into 'secure' networks because of mismanagement and security lapses or the due to a deliberate whistleblower backdoor or a possible sting entrapment scheme - what ever info he obtained on UFOs hardly compares to the black and false flag secrets locked up and the revelations of continued cronyism, mismanagement of funds and graft, pedophilia, and on the job porn fests which haunt the cyber and real world of US local thru executive govt and military hallowed halls and hard drives
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