THE ULTIMATE CRIMES AGAINST http://whatreallyha IMAGES/WW2_ Philip/index. html Our greatest enemies as a people in the Philippines are those fiendish ogres, vultures, suckers, leeches, termites, dinosaurs, crocodiles and alligators in the government, in the political, economic, banking and financial world. By Eric V. Encina “If an empire were made of sand, it would be pounded to dust by economists.” – Napoleon Bonaparte IN THIS MODERN CIVILIZATION OF GREED AND AVARICE, THERE'S A SUCKER-BANKER BORN EVERY MINUTE! ‘YOU ARE DOOMED, YOU THAT TWIST JUSTICE AND CHEAT PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR RIGHTS.” – Amos 5:7 “There is no calamity greater than lavish desires, no greater guilt than discontentment and no greater disaster than greed (of the bankers)”. – Lao Tzu Chinese Philosopher “There is enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed”. – Gandhi “THE PRIVILEGE OF CREATING AND ISSUING MONEY IS NOT ONLY THE SUPREME PREROGATIVE OF GOVERNMENT, BUT IS THE GOVERNMENT’S GREATEST CREATIVE OPPORTUNITY ”. U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln “THE PRIORITY IN THE NATIONAL AGENDA IS THE LOOMING FISCAL CRISIS FUELED BY OUR GARGATUAN PUBLIC DEBT, PARTICULARLY THE INSATIABLE INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS OF FOREIGN DEBTS”. Philippine Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago REPUBLIC OF WASTELAND PHILIPPINES, raped and ravaged by debt finance-disaster- corrupt capitalism and its tentacles of sucking shameful or shameless usury, and the money-poisoned- power-addicted politicians.. THE WHOLE ARCHIPELAGO OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HAS BEEN SAVAGELY DESTITUTED TO CRUELTY OF ENORMOUS IRREDEEMABLE DEBTS AND HAIR-RAISING INTEREST PAYMENTS-that seem to be reaching up to solar system, and now hunger, starvation, and rampant crimes and violence, rebellion, scandals, scams, deaths of the innocents inside and outside the wombs and endless political wars and the debacles of MAN-MADE and natural calamities perpetuated by some technologies to kill off the poor and the third world inhabitants to forward the hidden agenda to only keep 1 Billion people out of 6 People earth inhabitants. Billions of money collected from the present 12% E-VAT in the last 10 years did not feed down to the poor Filipinos but went to payments of interest that in the span of 40 years, the Government paid interest more than US$200 Billion, and in the span of 20 years the costs of corruptions are around US$74 Billion. It is the complete truth that OUR PRESENT PHILIPPINE FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC INJUSTICE IS OFTEN DIRECTED BY the idiots’ hands. The Filipino people must know that the Philippine Government is Government of the Bankers, for the Bankers and by the Bankers. The democracy is a democracy for the monopoly of credit and not economic democracy to every Filipino citizen. THOSE GREEDY BANKERS, PROSTITUTED ECONOMISTS, MONEY-POISONED POLITICIANS AND CORRUPT MEDIA MEN HAVE TURNED OUR LAND INTO A DITCH. Our total national debts are almost US$300 Billion or P6 Trillion with $15 Billion interest payments or P900 Billion in 2010 with the budget deficits of P307.5 Billion or US$6.9 Billion with rising more than 5 million Filipinos in the very brink or in actual hunger in the countryside, with millions unemployed and seeking jobs that are not available. PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT IS A BEGGAR AND DEBT-ADDICT. We become the BEGGING PEOPLE in the world. When there is calamity, our usual tendency is to beg international aid for the victims and negotiate for further borrowings from the foreign and international bankers. HOW SHAMEFUL IT IS that we do not have any financial-economic alternatives within our country to find the financial resources to finance our own rehabilitation. Is our republic becoming inutile and futile? HOW LONG MUST WE BE DEPENDENT TO FOREIGN AID AND FOREIGN LOANS AT INTEREST? For every $900 or P41, 400.00 interest payment to country’s colossal debts PER SECOND, 10,000 up to 20,000 Filipino(s) families suffering hunger and starvation close to death in the Philippine countryside per hour in the midst of heat-drought stricken February to August 2010. Poor Filipino peoples’ lives are shattered and crushed to the ground. And everyday children by the thousands in the countryside are suffering hunger and malnutrition leading to untimely death that is so unnecessary because of the lack or absence of money as controlled by debt finance and the scams and corruption of the those in banking, financial, economic and political power. US$70 Million “Farming Loan” from the World Bank this June 2009 was just approved for the Philippines. This is called “15-year Adaptable Program Loan” for the said “PHILIPPINE EXPANDING IRRIGATION PROJECTS” as deceptively claimed to increase yield or harvests. IN THE EYES OF SOCIAL CREDITER AND MONETARY REFORMER, WHY IT IS PERCEIVED OR SUSPECTED TO BE ANOTHER ODIOUS DEBT OR ADDITIONAL PILES OF ODIOUS DEBT? According to the news reports, THE TERMS OF US$70 Million “WERE NOT DISCLOSED” to the public. Most odious debts have the characteristics of not being disclosed nor be consulted with the public. The money is the first of “three tranches” totaling US$220.36 Million to help pay for the US$413.59 CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: One of the conditional requirements of the said loan to WB asides from INTEREST CHARGES “is the for the Philippine Government to also put up an initial counterpart fund of US$43.23 Million to help the NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION (NIA) hand over management of some water canals to farmers. BUT DO YOU THINK THE LOANS WILL REALLY FEED DOWN TO THE POOR FARMERS IN THE PHILIPPINES? SO MANY FILIPINO FARMING FAMILIES HAVE BEEN TREMENDOUSLY AFFECTED BY SUCCESSIVE CALAMITIES. MERE PROVISION OF SEEDS TO FILIPINO FARMERS IS NOT ENOUGH. THEY NEED FARM FUNDS TO REBUILD THEIR FARMING LIVELIHOOD AND REBUILD THEIR LIVES OUT OF CALAMITY HELL. THERE MUST BE DEBT-FREE PROVISION TO THEM NOT JUST TO GET BACK ON THEIR FEET BUT TO HELP THEM BECOME SUSTAINABLE FOR THE LONG-TERM. AND WHAT IS FOREIGN AID? Aid is also becomes a tool for camouflaging the interplay of banking profit and interest and multinational companies. Foreign aid thus becomes a grand deception of the international bankers, international agencies and the government agencies, used as a calming tool to hide the monopoly of money, and thereby continue the most atrocious economic and monetary enslavement of poor Filipino population. WHY CALAMITY IS ALWAYS TIED TO FOREIGN AID? RELIEF GOODS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO GIVE RATIONS TO CALAMITY VICTIMS. WHAT IS NEEDED IS TO GIVE THEM ENOUGH FINANCIAL GRANTS, NOT THROUGH LOANS, TO LET THESE VICTIMS GET BACK TO THEIR OWN FEET. WHEN THEY HAVE PURCHASING POWER, THEY KNOW BEST WHAT TO DO FOR THEMSELVES. They know what to buy for their basic survival out of mess. THEY ARE NOT CHILDREN who do not know what to do with the money. At least these calamity victims are not too stupid to waste the money in times of calamities. But where is the money? ALL THE MONEY is BEING SIPHONED OFF TO INTEREST PAYMENTS, In my re-computation, the Philippine Government under the present administration has been horrendously accumulating debts at more than P1.2 billion daily but actually P1, 987,200,000. 00, that is US$43,200.000 x P46.00/P48.00 ($1) exchange rate. Please correct me immediately if I am wrong in my computation. If ever there is any error, I must apologize in advance. But whether it is precisely correct or not in figure computation, it does not matter, because, still the bondage of debt and its effects, is indeed calamitous to Filipino people at large. Here is my computation: From what I know the Philippine Government is paying $900.00 or approximately P41,400.00 per second interest to country’s colossal debts. 'COMPOUND INTEREST ON DEBT WAS THE BANKERS' GREATEST INVENTION, TO CAPTURE AND ENSLAVE, A PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY." - Albert Einstein Per Second = $900 x P46.00 = P41,400.00 Per Minute = 60 Seconds = $54,000.00 x P46 = P2,484,000.00 Per Hour = 60 Minutes = $3, 240,000 x P46 = P14, 040,000.00 Per Day = 24 Hours = $77, 760, 000 x P46 = P 3, 576, 960, 000.00 1 Week = 7 Days = $302,400,000. 00 1 Month = 31 Days = $9,374,400,000. 00 12 Months = 1 Year = $111.6 Billion in Excess What about the interest payments to other foreign loans in Yen, Yuan and in Euros? It is a crime that repayment of debt and interest is a top priority, institutionalized as Executive Order 292 that affirmed the “AUTOMATIC APPROPRIATION” of the full amount to service debt from the budget of the Philippine Government that was originally mandated by former Pres. Marcos Presidential Decree 1177 as IMPOSED, DEMANDED AND CONDITIONED BY the creditors - THE IMF AND WB in 1980’s as “national economic priority” on top of basic priorities for the Filipino people. THE PERNICIOUS CULTURE OF INDEBTEDNESS AND USURY IS UNSUSTAINABLE. Philippine Government is in the dungeon of corruptions where science of corruptions is applicable, fueled by profligate spending for projects tainted with scams, continuous borrowings with corresponding increase of taxes for the same vicious cycles. All these are the fruits of the banking system scams of the fractional reserve prevailing in the world economy. PEOPLE’S MONEY IS ADROITLY GAMBLED BY THE BANKING SYSTEM – passing through a PARASITIC AND AVARICIOUS INTERMEDIARIES. We’re in the complete madness and disarray! The people are in calamitous situations without respite, would be continually CRUSHED to the ground with increasing taxes to be imposed as one of the harsh conditions of the International bankers. LOAN WILL BE MADE UPON LOAN forever, worse than being hog-tied to debt money system. Moral madness within banking system industry, the unbridled market forces and speculative gambling, usurious and criminal financial operations, continuous monopoly of credit, manipulations of the banking/financial/ economic criminals/global manipulators, intimidations of the powerful few, brainwashing and indoctrination of peoples through the “core tactical nostrums of false education and media communications, mind-control, scam and racketeering, IMF-WB-Machiavellia n – Voodoo Economics & Politics, Economic Warfare, Economic Shock Therapy and all other methods of control CONTINUE CALAMITOUSLY.. Disaster after disaster. The worse disaster is debt-based financial system that manipulates and makes profits from all sorts of chaos, instability and planned miseries. THE METHODS AND MECHANISMS OF DEBT FINANCE ARE SO ADROIT, AND ARE INTRINSICALLY INSIDIOUS SCAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF plunder or pillage. ECONOMIC HIT MEN KNOW HOW TO DO IT ALL PERFECTLY AS THEY DID BEFORE SUCCESSFULLY. THIS IS ALL THE TYRANNY OF THE PRESENT STATUS QOU! THE DEBT MONEY SYSTEM IS THE AUTHOR OF COUNTRY’S POVERTY, HUNGER AND GARGANTUAN DEBTS, PRIVATIZATION, DEREGULATION, SELLING OFF OF STATE ASSETS, CUTS OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES AND ABSENCE OF INDISPENSABLE FUND IN TIMES OF CALAMITY. It is a very sorry state that the Philippine Government under President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has been horrendously accumulating debts to the tune of P1.2 billion daily around US$100 Million daily. In the year 2009, the Philippine Government got the loans of whooping in 365 days or ONE YEAR OR ONE FISCAL YEAR in 12 months time (US$100 Million X 365 Days) of horrendously US$36.5 Billion of excessive compounded interest charges per second, amortizations and principal combined, that is US$36,500,000, 000 in Philippine Peso value from domestic, foreign and international bankers and from other bilateral creditors or lenders. These incessant mega- loans are pure racket and scam of the putrid banking system. These mega-loans do not feed down to Filipinos but the darkening clouds and swords of Damocles of dreadful increasing of taxes, senseless increasing rates of millions of hungry and starving inhabitants, material and monetary penury, destruction of the environment, demolition of culture, extinction of faith and morals of people, the killing of the innocent and unborn children without any defense at all, the insatiable greed and avarice of the powerful and privileged few, the continuous rebellion of the inhabitants in the countryside, the increasing number of political parties in bickering and assassinations and increasing numbers of money-poisoned and corrupt politicians. THESE MEGA-LOANS ONLY PROP UP CORRUPTIONS AND MEGA-PROFITS IN HARD VALUE BACK TO THE BANKERS. Native, local, ordinary Filipinos in the countryside are continually condemned to impoverishment, poverty, hunger, starvation, diseases, and continually fooled, deceived, bamboozled, mesmerized, cheated, swindled, dishonored, calamitously exploited, ravaged, raped, trampled, intimidated, manipulated, monopolized, robbed, scammed, crushed, dumped, deprived of normal habitat and bereft of proper standards of living and being the target of elimination by massive and well-funded artificial population control programs leading to abortion and toxic-based vaccinations and foully thrown to the roadside and dustbin of history – under the debt financed-disaster- corrupt capitalism, nasty-muddy- money-poisoned politics and prostituted media communications all the same controlled by global manipulators and transnational corporations for insatiable greed, avarice and profits. Filipinos are being adroitly controlled by the following: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” --- Henry Kissinger - Vicious Money Control
- Chemically-based population Control
- Food Control
- Mind Control
- Spiritual and Moral Control – not to think and act outside the box.
The fiscal crisis that the Philippine government is presently undergoing is the worst ever in the history of the country, and is caused by its own doing. And yet the government would pass the burden of solving this crisis to the people, with increases in taxes and prices like those for electric power and petroleum. It has even put up a so-called Bayanihan Fund (or Filipino Solidarity Fund” so that ordinary citizens (Filipinos) can contribute their shares for the government to weather the storm. And now the national government has the temerity to ask the people to practice austerity and contribute their small pittance to the “Bayanihan” Fund, (Solidarity Fund) when all the fat cats in the bureaucracy together with their foreign partners have already long been feasting on the blood of the people. And when we consider other anomalies at other government corporations, Public Estates Authority(Amari scam, Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard scam, Expo Filipino scam) and the GSIS - (BestWorld scam), no one will wonder anymore where a great bulk of all the borrowings of the government are disappearing to. (Most Filipino senior citizen pensioners are also in the calamitous situation when they are deprived of their monthly pensions either too delayed or half-pension from the GSIS. What a pity! GSIS pensioners who are hungry, sick and suffering acute money crisis. I have read that GSIS has signed an agreement with Credit Agricole Asset Management (CAAM) Singapore LTD and with ING Investment Management of ING Group Netherland-based global financial institution for the investment of up to US$2.5 Billion in GSIS funds overseas. The signing took place on January 27, 2008 by those parties involved.. This GSIS investment of funds to overseas financial institutions had no any public consultation and knowledge and no any members’ consent. Now the Filipino pensioners and even GSIS member-borrowers are suffering of the absence, lack of funds or delayed pensions. If in any case, the financial foreign institutions where GSIS funds are invested collapse as we see that global financial crisis is still lingering as we see in the US, what will happen to GSIS funds and to the pensioners? DO YOU THINK THE GOVERNMENT CAN PROVIDE BAIL-OUT? IF THIS WILL BE SUCCESSFUL GSIS INVESTMENTS ABROAD, CAN THE INVESTMENT PROFITS FEED DOWN TO THE PENSIONERS? According to the information, every Filipino senator is given P200 Million Pesos pork barrel fund or CDF or Countryside Development Fund every year in addition to their salaries, allowances and benefits and other kickbacks as government legislators. The problem is: THERE IS NO DEVELOPMENT BUT IMPOVERISHMENT, INCREASING POVERTY AND HUNGER OF THE INHABITANTS. And if the senator serves for two terms or 12 years time, he receives his gargantuan pork barrel fund in the amount of P2.4 Billion Pesos. What about the Congressmen or House Representatives? Accordingly, every Filipino congressman or House Representative is given P70 Million Pesos pork barrel fund or CDF or Countryside Development Fund every year in addition to their salaries, allowances and benefits and other kickbacks as government legislators. And if the Congressman or House Representative serves for the same two terms or for three consecutive terms or nine years, he receives gargantuan pork barrel fund in the amount of P630 Million Pesos. The amounts of P2.4 Billion Pesos for each Filipino Senator every year for two terms of 12 years time and of P630 Million Pesos for each Filipino Congressman for three consecutive terms or nine years ARE SO HUGE by any stretch of the imagination. These government officials are committing treason against the Filipino people in the bondage of debt, poverty, unemployment, hunger and starvation by using these huge amounts of money that do not go to people’s emancipation from poverty and hunger. THE MONEY IS PEOPLE’S MONEY, NOT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS’ MONEY! And therefore the money must be distributed to Filipinos in the form of bail-out for the people, or dividend to every citizen or extra or supplementary basic income. THE FILIPINOS NEED HELP TO SURVIVE! To continue paying taxes only for the payment of interest to government’s domestic and foreign loans that are mostly odious under debt-based money system imperialism without end should no longer be acceptable. And it is our duty and right as Filipino citizens to defy the government policies and systems and thus our duty to voice out and fight for real economic democracy. It is people that matters. It is the economic security of people that matters. Debt Money System has almost totally comatised billions of people financially and mind control is continued of a dumbed down populations to mislead to a cocktails of deliberate lies on money creation. There is very little hope under the present system that is promoting complete disorder and misfortune to billions of people in this terribly shattering world.. The money system is anti-life and anti-soul. The cult of the Golden Calf/Mammon of the total world slavery of finance and global degeneration. The brutal truth is that Philippines is a very sick society ruled by idiots, parasites, assassins Filipinos are getting progressively stupid idiots like stupid cattle into continually supporting the system that destroys us. There are Filipinos and so many of us wanting to stay stupid and let our country go to hell in a basket.. The major problem is that money is created as debt by the private banks and lent at usury to government, private sectors and peoples. Money should be created debt free by the Government by legislation through the facilities of own central bank rather than borrowing money from the private, commercial, foreign and international banks. And people’s money through debt-free money creation should be available to provide to every man, woman, child-monthly, annually in the form of dividend, extra/supplementary basic income as a guaranteed economic security. I am sure hunger, starvation, poverty or less poverty with the proper use of money, will be gone with the wind. WE ARE ALREADY IN WORLD WAR III – the most ruthless financial-economic wars. It’s a both declared and non-declared WAR of the 21st century. A WAR OF USURIOUS INTEREST RATES; RUINOUS AND SKYROCKETING PRICES OF BASIC NEEDS FOR SURVIVAL; LOSING VALUE OF OUR CURRENCIES; UNFAIR AND DISTORTED FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONDITIONS. INTEREST RATES AND PAYMENTS HAVE SO FAR KILLED AND ARE KILLING FURTHER KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ON A PLUNDERED PLANET. INHABITANTS ARE BEING KILLED BY HUNGER, SICKNESS, AND UNEMPLOYMENT THROUGH CONTROL OF MONEY ARTIFICIALLY AND OF COURSE THE NATURAL CALAMITIES CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED BY MAN-MADE CALAMITIES, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND BANKING POLICIES. TO THOSE FILIPINOS and foreigners WHO REFUSE TO FACE UP THE SUFFERING AND DESPAIR THAT LARGE RESULT FROM OUR FUTILE FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEM BASED ON DEBT, ECONOMIC INSANITY AND NASTY-MUDDY POLITICS in the Philippines, I would like to remind to all Filipinos of the following facts: 1. Millions of aged Filipinos are living either on or very near poverty line with delayed pensions or no pension at all in 3 months time. What a pity! 2. Millions of Filipinos are living in slum and squatter conditions in most major cities particularly in Metro Manila . Millions are without owned homes, or homeless, millions are struggling to own homes after 10 to 20 years time, millions are living in old houses, unrepaired, shacks, dilapidated homes and those homeless living in the streets like the beggars, children and women prostitutes. 3. Many hundreds of thousands of individuals or families if not millions are suffering bankruptcy every year because of debt, interest and calamities. 4. Thousands are reportedly committing suicide every year. Most suicides are primarily caused by economic and financial crisis among other causes like family problems. 5. Millions are on the way to overseas lands for job and security. There are reportedly 5,000 to 6,000 Filipino applying jobs overseas daily that cause TREMENDOUS BRAIN DRAIN more than ever. 6. Many thousands are going to jail every year for both petty and heinous crimes which I view related to economic, money and survival crisis. 7. Millions are under employed, unemployed and threatened to lose jobs every year. 8. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of unborn babies are being killed by abortion because of money problem and financial crisis. 9. Thousands of separations and family breakdown due to money and economic crisis. 10. Millions of children reportedly suffering hunger and malnutrition. In the latest reports, there are 3.3 Million Filipino families suffering hunger daily. 11. Millions of Filipino farmers are losing income and suffering dire poverty and hunger and diseases caused by the crisis or by chemicalized farming 12. Millions of are struggling daily to make ends meet even in this age of galloping inflationary pressures obviously by debt –based economy. 13. Millions suffering hunger despite of the age of plenty. 14. Interest payments are a priority of the Government than social services and economic security for the Filipino people. 15. Children abuses and hard labor are rampant. 16. Thousands of Filipino women are under trade flesh or prostitutions 17. Rampant rebellion and insurgencies all over the country because of economic crisis that prevent peace and development. I BELIEVE THAT DEBT MONEY SYSTEM IS THE HIDDEN MENACE TO WORLD PEACE. 18. OUR ENVIRONMENT IS CONTINUALLY DETERIORATING NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF NATURAL CALAMITIES but because of man-made calamities. ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION IS CAUSED BY MONETARY PRESSURE. 19. MILLIONS OF FILIPINOS ARE LOSING FAITH AND MORALITY –WHICH IS ONE OF THE BRUTAL TRUTHS OF THE SADDEST REALITY. WE’RE LOSING GOOR MORALS BECAUSE OF MONEY PRESSURES. 20. What about indigenous Filipinos in the countryside who are being marginalized in favor of privatization and selling off government assets. The government allows 100% foreign ownerships of our land which is something that must be discussed in any change of the Constitution. Furthermore, in the Philippines, because of the current system of debt finance, there are 1.5 million street children; and this number increases by more than 6,000 annually. Every day these children of poor families suffer from numerous kinds of cruelty and exploitation, hunger, and malnutrition. The parents of these children push them at a tender age to help earn income for the family when the family is in poverty or suffering from acute money crisis. We have 20,000 children prostitutes and 4 million child laborers, with 2.4 million of them working under hazardous conditions, while the government pays interest on odious debts, equivalent to $400,000 in daily interest to US banks and to others, plus $900 interest per SECOND, or around $14 to $15 billion (or P900 billion) in interest payments for 2010. And let's remember that the Philippine Department of Finance, through the Bureau of Internal Revenue, has revenues of P712.55 billion (just last December, BIR got P61.55 billion). BIR has a target to collect taxes by 2010 in the amount of P830 billion by the imposition of additional tax measures to be approved by the Philippine Congress and Senate, and by IMF-WB-imposed 12% Expanded Value Added Tax. Fiendish officials of the cuckoo IMF wants to the new Philippine Administration under AQUINO ADMINISTRATION to immediately increase 15% Expanded Value Added Tax or E-VAT from 12%-EVAT to raise US$1.8 Billion or P74 Billion Pesos value of Revenues for Government principally to pay and service increasingly gargantuan domestic and foreign debts without any hope in sight for total repayment under the pestiferous debt finance regime. And additional taxes being imposed for the payments of interest and duly approved by the obnoxious judicial jackasses of the Philippine Supreme Court. The Philippine Private Banks are so proud that they have reached to P6.4 TRILLION Pesos or P600 Billion worth of assets as end of February 2010 and as they have boastfully attributed such increasing private banking assets through RISE OF INTEREST-BEARING LOANS AND DEBT SECURITIES ACCOUNTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS to the peoples and governments. This only shows that the private banking system is a ponzi scheme scam and racketeering system with its formula of banking arithmetic of weapons of mass destruction creating money ex nihilo out of nothing and disposed it at usury for profits. (just imagine how much more in the coming years…..? telling all kinds of lies to deceive and fool the people about money creation at a time when Filipinos are hungry and their children are faced with all kinds of sufferings and in the midst of 5 million poor Filipinos suffering hunger and starvation, of 15 Million Filipino farming families suffering extreme drought-heat in the countryside, millions of children suffering malnutrition and hunger, etc. Let us bear in mind that the: "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." – Lord Action. THE PROCESS BY WHICH BANKS CREATE MONEY IS SO SIMPLE THAT THE MIND IS REPELLED.” - Professor J.K. Galbraith It is now ripe that we must altogether denounce the "financial vultures" in the world as 'powerful and unscrupulous' and "a band of conspirators, opportunists, intimidators, swindlers, scammers and racketeers covered up by out-of-touched- of-reality- economists that also make profits, protected by a bunch of money-poisoned politicians and government leaders - acting in personal vested interest in treason against the Filipino people. A HUGE PROPORTION OF THE MONEY CREATED OUT OF NOTHING "ex nihilo" - a downright filthy fraud, and manufactured by the rogue bankers and financiers representing no real savings being loaned at interest to the Philippine Government and individuals in times of natural calamities would certainly cause another bouts of inflationary pressures and devaluation of Philippine peso - another disaster capitalism. We are now in great sorrow and in bitterness experiencing the repercussions of debt money system to our people. Money is continually controlled and extremely restricted. Millions of poor Filipinos are cash-starved and starving for survival. Millions are suffering from IMF-WB-debt- based-holocaust at gruesome barbarity stripping and skinning us alive one by one to death. The monopoly of money is unforgivable. The banks are really the financial cuckoos in this country and in the whole world. We are in the enormous and endless debt and tax in perpetuity. DEBT IS COMPOUNDED ON DEBT AND INTEREST ON INTEREST WITHOUT ANY FORESEEN END. Philippine municipalities, provinces, cities, communities, villages, individuals, families, public and private enterprises are hopelessly debt-logged. OUR FATE AS INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GOVERNMENTS, COMMUNITIES – is entirely at the mercy of the putrid banking system. THEIR POWER IS STUPENDOUS, BOTH IN CREATING MONEY OUT OF NOTHING, AND GRANTING LOANS, AND IN THEIR ARBITRARY RECALL, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. The Banks give and the bank taketh away as if bankers are like God. They hold the power of life or death of the whole economy. Debt is what Governments sow. Taxation, deficits, inflation, privatizations and selling off of state-assets, selling citizens, hunger and starvation, unemployment of peoples-bitterest harvest of debt-addiction. Literally, all money issued has its origin in interest-bearing debt, it follows that all forms of taxation must increase, inevitably, mathematically and remorsely As debt, interest, taxes increase, our individual security decreases to the point of extinction. We are seemed to be hopeless in this land. The virus of debt money system is quickly infecting the whole humanity. Money system has severely damaged human beings on earth. It thereby warps and subverts our normal and health survival drive. Those with relatively little money can barely survive, and many die prematurely because of their poverty, while those in power, seeing what happens to the poor, neurotically scramble all the more to climb the survival ladder to remain on top. The money system has continued to create conditions that cause starvation. Money requires scarcity to continue to exist. Money system creates excessive fear to humanity thereby perpetuating the culture of shame and of death. The money system is the single most powerful entity that humanity has ever created and it rules tyrannically over our lives. Money system is evil and thus bent on destroying us. We are no on menacing proportion of this Global Financial Crisis. Many nations are now wallowing in deadly financial crisis through the vast sea of debt and interest under the most iniquitous debt money system. Debt money causes financial-economic racism where millions of Filipinos are disenfranchised people. The Filipino people have been run like hell by those greedy bankers, prostituted economists and money poisoned politicians, of the “Money-Talk-cratic system of Government. It is on the economic field that the salvation of soul is at stake! THE SELLING OF PHILIPPINE ASSETS IN 2009-2010 The Philippine Government, with the intensified pressures of debt, is now planning to raise P20 billion for 2009-2010 from the sale of STATE - OWNED ASSETS to foreigners or to multinational corporations and tycoons. One of these is the 120-hectare Food Terminals Inc. Agro-Industrial Estate in Taguig, Metro Manila. Another asset is the Philippine Government's stake of 40 percent in PNOC-Exploration Corp. This sale is for the purposes of meeting the lingering budget deficit from P102 billion to P307.5 Billion or around US$6.9 Billion roughly. There is a deficit not only because of the present economic situation, but because of the current debt-based money system. The Philippine tax revenue, which is already dictatorial, cannot meet the expenditures and the interest payments. International Banking Fraternities are a super club of Parasites and assassins. Financial evil axis begins in IMF and WB with Washington Consensus in dominating and controlling the wealth including the outer space and vital resources through their nefarious dictated structural reforms and through their adroit economic hit men and criminal crooks. They are the hidden menace to world’s peace. These bankers are openly and clandestinely promoting complete disorder and misfortune in this shattering world. WHAT WE NEED NOW IN EXPEDIENCY IS TO CREATE THE MONEY DEBT FREE BY LEGISLATION BY THE GOVERNMENTS THROUGH PUBLIC BANKING FACILITIES, AND DISTRIBUTE OR DISPOSE MONEY IN THE FORM OF DIVIDEND, EXTRA/SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME TO EVERYMAN, WOMAN, CHILD IN EVERY COUNTRY, WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION AND OR ANY MEANS TEST BY RIGHT AND BY VIRTUE OF CITIZENSHIP FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. This is FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC SECURITY AS A GOOD RESULT OF ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY EQUALLY FOR ALL AND TO KEEP THE ECONOMY IN REAL MOTION WITHOUT DEBT, INTEREST PAYMENTS, HEAVY TAXATION, HUNGER, STARVATION, VIOLENCE, REBELLION AND EVEN WARS. THE PRIVATE DEBT-FINANCE- DISASTER- CORRUPT FINANCIAL CAPITALISM IS THE VERY HIDDEN MENACE TO WORLD PEACE! THE CENTRAL FOCUS OF ALL PEOPLES SHOULD BE GOVERNMENT-DEBT- FREE MONEY CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PEOPLE’S MONEY TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN, CHILD ON EARTH IN THE FORM OF DIVIDEND, EXTRA BASIC/SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME. BELIEVE ME, THE TIME IS RIPE TO DISTRIBUTE PEOPLE’S GLOBAL WEALTH TO EVERY ONE in the 21st century. Create our own money in Philippine Peso debt-free by legislation through the facilities of our own Philippine Central Bank or BSP - Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas. Repeal the Article XII, Sec. 20 of the Philippine Constitution - the proposal in converting or restoring the central bank being independent and private into GOVERNMENT OR PUBLIC INSTITUTION to act policy directions in the areas of money, banking and credit - DEBT FREE under the supervision of the Philippine Department of Finance. The Philippine Congress through People's Initiatives and or Referendum can repeal this Constitutional provision or the entire change of the Philippine Constitution that must be for the welfare of the general public and no more for private interest. Debt-free money creation can give us the last chance to life, justice, security and prosperity to every citizen on earth without the bondage of debt and interest. To realize this, each individual must be educated and mobilized by initiatives, solidarity and concerns to monetary reform. Foreign Loans/Aid/Mendicanc y: And every citizen in the Philippines, and in the whole world must agree that continuing dependence on IMF-WB debt money system loans, and dependence on foreign aid with conditions, with or without natural calamities is a betrayal of nationhood. The real charity of humanity is not within IMF and WB and foreign aid with strings attached. The foreign-internation al-borrowing- and-aid and mendicancy of the government is also an insult to independence of one nation. "IF I COULD CHANGE THE WORLD, THE FIRST THING I WOULD DO IS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERYBODY HAD ENOUGH INCOME TO MEET THEIR BASIC NEEDS." - Paul Bathurs Guaranteed Extra Basic Income And Dividend to every Filipino citizen without discrimination (with or without calamities) above any other earnings or income if there is any, let say, $200 or P10,000 monthly ($4,000 or P200,000 in times of natural calamities) as a share and as each one is a co-heir of the country's wealth and as each one in one way or another is co-contributor of the country's progress. The dividend money will come from debt-free money creation, not from taxes, not from foreign aid, and not from foreign loans. Article XII, Sec. 1 of the Philippine Constitution states that " The goals of the national economy are a more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth: as sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; and an expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the underprivileged. " SPEAK OUT AS IF YOU WERE A MILLION VOICES! IT IS SILENCE THAT KILLS THE WORLD! WE NEED 1 BILLION PEOPLE in 2010 and in the 21st century WITH ONE MILLION VOICES each TO MAKE A SLING SHOT- BULL'S EYE ATTACK AGAINST THE DEBT FINANCE DISASTER-CORRUPT CAPITALISM AND NASTY - MUDDY - MONEY - POISONED POLITICS AND PROSTITUTED MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AND THEIR MEN AND WOMEN IN POWER. This is an inspiration for all who fight against debt finance disaster-corrupt capitalism and injustice in this world. Deliberate and habitual silence potentially causes deaths and compromises justice. Culture of silence in favor of the pestiferous crimes of the banking system is a culture of MURDER. CAN THERE BE SOME BILLIONS OF VOCIFEROUS VOICES TO DECLARE: DEBT FREE MONEY CREATION BY EVERY GOVERNMENT OF ALL NATIONS ON EARTH AND DISTRIBUTE MONEY IN THE FORM OF DIVIDEND, EXTRA BASIC / SUPPLEMENTARY INCOME TO EVERY CITIZEN IN THE COUNTRY AND ON EARTH FOR ALL TO SURVIVE AND LIVE? “There will be terrifying times in the last days. People will be self-centred and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive…, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good…as they make pretense of religion but deny its power.” – (2 Tim. 3:1-5) “He who gives to the poor, suffers no want, but he who ignores them gets many curse.” – Proverbs 28:27 “A good person knows the rights of the poor, but wicked people cannot understand such thing.” – Proverbs 29:7 “When things are going well, it is hard to tell who your real friends are, but in hard times, you can recognize your enemies, even your friends will leave you then. But when you are successful, your enemies will act like friends.” – Sirach 12:8-9 WHAT ONE KEEPS, DEATH TAKES IT AWAY; WHAT ONE GIVES HEAVEN RENDERS ONE DAY. ‘CHANGE THE RICH OF THIS WORLD NOT TO BE PROUD, OR TO TRUST IN THE UNCERTAINTY OF RICHES, BUT IN GOD, WHO PROVIDES ALL THINGS IN ABUNDANCE FOR OUR ENJOYMENT. LET THEM DO GOOD AND BE RICH IN GOOD WORKS, GIVING READILY, SHARING WITH OTHERS, AND THUS PROVIDING FOR THEMSELVES A GOOD FOUNDATION AGAINST THE HOME TO COME, IN ORDER THEY MAY LAND HOLD ON THE TRUE LIFE. “ – TIM. 6:17-19 - Holy Bible New Testament ‘HE WHO GIVES TO THE POOR SUFFERS NO WANT, BUT HE WHO IGNORES THEM GETS MANY A CURSE.’ – Proverbs 28:28 - Holy Bible - Old Testament ‘HE WHO SHUTS HIS HEAR TO THE CRY OF THE POOR WILL HIMSELF CRY AND NOT BE HEARD. “ – Proverbs 21:13 - Holy Bible - Old Testament | “To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide virtuously who to give it to, the amount to give, when, how, and for what purpose is neither in every man’s power, nor an easy matter.” – Aristotle "Your duty to aid humanity in developing is a vast thing ---doubtless, but--nearer and everyday before you is your duty to serve your Neighbor".- H.G. Wells . « Cast thy bread upon the running waters: for after a long time thou shalt find it again. » - Eccl. 11:1 Eric V. Encina Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer Filipino Alternative Solutions For Sustainable Survival Movement c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km2, Brgy. Lawa-an, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province, Philippines ericencina@yahoo. com Mobile Number : 09083283387 ANY LAW FIRM ON WHICH TO FILE CRIMINAL ACTIONS AGAINST THE BANKS AND THE BANKSTERS By Eric V. Encina If only we have any help of or from any moral, or ethical law firm ?? in the country and in the world to seek or file criminal actions, lay of information against the banks, international bankers and multinational corporations that are heinously deceiving the public at large, increasing and or keeping us in the eternal bondage ugliness of the savage cruelty of debt and poverty, of hunger and starvation, of hopelessness and despair, we could start a big leap for the Social Credit monetary reform mission in the Philippines. DO YOU THINK MOST LAW FIRMS and lawyers ARE ALSO CONTROLLED BY THE BANKERS’ DEBT FINANCE? The issue of deception, organized conspiracy entrapping and dealing with nations, countries, and their advisors or those appointed to the International Banking Funds are therefore heinously and pestiferous criminal. The eternal bondage of debt money system is conspicuously a criminal exploitation against the very life of humanity, and must be stopped in the 21st century by the facts I have presented and alleged are in my writings and in my book: The Savage Cruelty of Debt and all the facts and evidences we have on hold all over the world. WE NEED ONE BILLION SOCIAL CREDITERS AND MONETARY REFORMERS TO PERSIST AND INSIST. Peoples are deliberately or intentionally blind, deaf, or they are really blind or deaf walking without direction, or outright silly, and don't see that debt money system is a criminal conspiracy of creating money out of nothing by factional reserve system –which is the mother of all scams and racketeering in the world, and thus seeking money from taxation of the hard-pressed humanity, the people's money used to finance the criminal International Banking System being run by a few powerful hoodlums and criminals, and super-rich and selected figure heads without conscience, then how can we pressure our own government to create the real change of debt free money creation? The problem is: any civil actions are difficult to seek compensation. Oftentimes the innocents are lost and those criminals are absolved. As we know any criminal action is wanton disregard of truth, and to cover up or destroy the evidence. If we have the facts, we should be able to stand up in a criminal court for judgment, and must be ready to fight for appeal until justice is served FOR ALL HUMANITY! How long must we suffer? Now here is the problem: is about finding of an ethical, moral and competent law firm or group of lawyers or persons willing to take on the nations without any compromised to debt money system. That is almost impossible under the claws of finance. But what is other ultimate option? This is true of the violation of true informed choice of seeking the blood from the babies born in the Philippines , by false teachings that begin with the organized militant groups of peritus of economics that babies cause poverty. The teaching of early cord clamping for the same fictitious reasons to deceive on monetary issues is led by the experts, university professors, doctors who are nothing but quislings and traitors of the highest degree. So you I am on my own torturous struggles to find a political groups here in the Philippines who can support an ethical, moral and competent lawyer, young enough yet to fight for a very long time for debt free money creation. As I researched, any civil actions have appeals, as does a criminal action is. But only a Court can order something corrected or rectified once the facts are presented before an honorable judge or jury. THE PROBLEM IS, WHAT IF THE JURY MEMBERS ARE BRIBED AND ON THE DEFENCE OF THE OPPOSITE SIDES OF FALSEHOODS AND CONSPIRACIES? The Social Crediters, Monetary Reformers and Monetary and Economic Justice Activists are very good on debates particularly of those at Social Credit Elistas, etc. but many of them have lack the of pragmatic knowledge to help any, or solidarity and concerns to support taking action against those who control the money. This is also evident in my recent appeals for help that most of my appeals for help with regards to my book, my seminar have been smugly ignored without any consideration. This is if truth prevails, and we therefore have the courage not to be silent anymore. Lack of funds may and actually control truths. And this is another brutal truth of the saddest reality. LIES ARE MUNIFICENTLY FINANCED BY BILLIONAIRES AND THE BANKERS WHO CAUSED TREMENDOUS HUMAN LIFE MISERIES. Billionaires do not certainly want to finance truths, the truths of finance and economic democracy. BILLIONAIRES FINANCE TO MAKE THEM TRILLIONAIRES. It may be that simple. What is interesting is that the poor take sincere efforts to try to finance and do whatever it costs the works of truths and justice. I welcome comments and suggestions or correction. Please consider to continue back up help for campaign and struggles in the Philippines . The campaign is not about for the sake of begging but the campaigns for truths against falsehood and crimes against humanity. Eric V. Encina Filipino Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km2, Brgy. Lawa-an, PO Box 8 , 5800 Roxas City , Capiz Province , Philippines. ericencina@yahoo. com |
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