Jun 8, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Re: LEAKED BP DOCUMENT file


http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/8318961/835595842/name/BP_Presentation.pdf  It's 6,973,921 bytes long -- about 7 megabytes.  If this file was leaked, it was probably done on purpose, as BP  does not identify in it _anything_ they did wrong.    In particular, filling the drilling rig with water while fighting  the fire, thus sinking it and cracking open the riser pipe in  several places, creating multiple gushers 5,000 feet below sea  level instead of one on the surface of the sea, where it would  have been _much_ easier to capture the oil and gas.  This is not  mentioned in the document.  Nor is the use of the extremely toxic  dispersant Corexit, instead of much safer ones that would be  equally effective.  There are no big revelations here, just a lot of very interesting  (to those so inclined) technical data.  The file will soon be all  over the Web, and I think BP will make no attempt to have it removed,  since they probably leaked it themselves.  Nor will the gov't/NWO/ Goldman-Sachs.  It's a total whitewash.