Jul 3, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Healing Clay


Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Healing Clay 
Hydrated Bentonite clay wraps properly heated and applied completely around the wrists (about 1/2 inch thick), covered, and left on overnight have a tremendous impact upon Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually within forty-eight hours. Some people have reported increased localized pain and stiffness after the first night's application. However, these same people then have reported a lessening of pain after 48 hours, and complete relief after 72 hours. Full motor control in the severe cases I've seen is usually regained within three weeks of continued treatment. In two people that I've seen, the pain began to return two months later; one treatment of clay relieved all pain.  How can clay possibly accomplish this? The answer is as simple as it is mysterious. In his article "True Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" ( Paul R. Martin, McHenry NeuroDiagnostics, McHenry, Illinois, copyright 1996 ) Paul writes "Anything which will promote circulation,  
help to relieve inflammation, aid in removal of local toxins, and soothe irritated muscles and tendons will help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." 

Healing clay packs worth energetically with the human system. By actually pulling contaminants through the skin ( due to it's electromagnetic properties), the clay reduces swelling / inflammation and STIMULATES the immune system. An energy exchange that occurs in a strong clay action is so evident that it can be visually measured.