Jan 18, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- FDA admits aspartame causes birth defects: Thomas F X Collins File In PDF [1 Attachment]

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Subject: [Health_and_Healing] FDA admits aspartame causes birth defects: Thomas F X Collins File In PDF [1 Attachment]
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 02:08:40 -0500
From: Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. <bettym19@mindspring.com>
Reply-To: Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups.com
To: bettym19@mindspring.com

<*>[Attachment(s) from Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. included below]  Once upon a time  FDA attempted to protect the public from  aspartame.    When G. D. Searle submitted studies on aspartame  and  FDA found they committed fraud they asked for their indictment under  Title 18, Section 1001.  Unfortunately, both U.S. Prosecutors, Sam  Skinner and William Conlon hired on with the defense team and the  statute of limitations expired.  Still the FDA Board of Inquiry  revoked the petition for approval.  Don Rumsfeld had been hired as  CEO of Searle to get aspartame approved and clean up the mess.    Rumsfeld said he would call in his markers so aspartame could be  marketed.    Rumsfeld was on President Reagan's transition  team.   The day after Reagan took office he appointed Dr. Arthur Hull  Hayes as FDA Commissioner , so the Board of Inquiry revoked  petition  could be overturned, and it was.  Reagan knowing it would take 30  days to get Hayes to FDA wrote an Executive Order making FDA  powerless to do anything about aspartame until Hayes could get  there.  http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld.html  At 3:00 AM  someone on the transition team called Dr. Jere Goyan, FDA  Commissioner and fired him because he would have signed the revoked  petition into law.  What to do with the studies that showed aspartame could not be proven  safe!  One informant says she was hired to shred the studies, and  that everything aspartame touched it killed.  In the Bressler Report  the most damning studies were put under FDA seal and they refused to  release them.  It took 8 years to get a copy of them and then they  were added back to the Bressler Report and hand-carried to Jerome  Bressler by Lane Shore, Mission Possible  Chicago  http://www.rense.com/general88/hid.htm   They even removed  the name of the scientist/toxicologist, Dr.  Thomas F. X. Collins  from the document.    They  knew if his name was available someone  could find him and then get the facts.  Lane Shore did find him but  his wife said he has refused to talk to anyone.  It was Dr. John Olney, world renowned researcher, with Attorney James  Turner,  who tried to prevent approval of aspartame because he  knew  birth defects would be a given and combined with MSG, another  excitotoxin, would destroy the brains of our children.  Here is his  report to the Board of Inquiry   http://www.wnho.net/dr_olney1.doc  Was  Dr. Olney's prophecy three decades ago fulfilled?  Read for yourself:   "The European Environmental Association has projected that with the  rise of autism caused by toxic foods like Aspartame, MSG, Fluoride,  and environmental degradation, by 2013 no one will be born in the  Western World that does not to some degree have autism. Our board of  AAEM, American Academy of Environmental Medicine and Dr. William Rae,  director of the Dallas Environmental Clinic agreed in open discussion  at the October 2010 annual meeting." Bill Deagle, M.D.  This is taken from the article, "Aspartame Causes Birth Defects and  Mental Retardation and violates Title 18, of the Domestic Genocide  Code" :  http://www.mpwhi.com/aspartame_causes_birth_defects.htm  In the attachment which is a letter from Dr. Thomas R.X. Collins of  the FDA, Whole Animal Toxicology Branch,( this same scientist, whose  name FDA has tried to hide), there is conclusion on page  5.  "In  both rabbit studies, aspartame appeared to cause birth  defects at the high level (s g/kg) "  On page 2 note about major and minor anomalies consisting in part of:  bi-clefted lip,cleft palate, fused mandible, short maxillary bones,  fusion and misalignment of caudal vertebrae, reduced ossification of  thoracic and caudal vertebrae and phalanges, hydrocephalus, missing  ribs and ectrodactyly.  Pass this on to Goldie Hawn who has a great concern for children with  cleft palate, and the organization Smile Train, changing the world  one smile at a time.  Read Dr. Louis Elsas testimony to Congress, pediatric professor,  genetics, about aspartame and birth defects back in 1985, listed in  our Report For  Schools:  http://www.mpwhi.com/report_on_aspartame_and_children.htm  Aspartame  (AminoSweet/Equal/E951/NutraSweet/Naturtaste/Canderel/Benevia/Neotame)  is an addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically  engineered drug that interacts with drugs and vaccines due to damage  to the mitochondria.  It is also an adjuvant like Squalene in vaccine.  Recently there was a study in Denmark that showed aspartame jumps  premature birth up to  78%:  http://www.mpwhi.com/aspartame_jumps_premature_births.htm  Just how much more evidence does FDA need to remove aspartame from  the marketplace because its a deadly chemical poison.  A study in  Norway several years ago showed aspartame damages the brain,  especially in the area of learning.  Dr. John Olney got so disgusted  about the coverup in Searle's studies he demanded they be done in his  office so he could oversee them.  Again, aspartame caused brain  damage.  Olney thought the FDA would never approve it with these  studies but didn't realize Searle did not give them these  studies.    Get this poison out of schools, and off the planet!  A bill giving the FDA even more power, S510, has passed and needs to  be repealed.  FDA has served above the law for years and defends  industry.  They have  ignored a Citizen's Petition for ban for over 8  years when the law only allows 180 days.  They have ignored a 2007  amendment based on an imminent health hazard that is suppose to be  answered in a week or ten days.  Dr. Ken Stoller has also petitioned  the FDA to ban aspartame and this has been ignored as well.  Even  twelve toxicologists have asked FDA to ban aspartame.  Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame  Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com by H. J.  Roberts, M.D> Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock,  M.D. www.russellblaylockmd.com Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, cori@soundandfury.tv   <*>Attachment(s) from Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum.:   <*> 1 of 1 File(s) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Health_and_Healing/attachments/folder/1576763167/item/list    <*> Thomas F X Collins File.pdf   «¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»  § Health_and_Healing - PULSE ON 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE & WORLD NEWS  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Health_and_Healing  Subscribe send email to: Health_and_Healing-subscribe@yahoogroups.com   Educational Alternative Medicine Web site:  http://ElementsOfHealth.webs.com   GREAT PRICES on energy products Plus Green Calcium Bentonite Clay INTERNAL/EXTERNAL   http://www.HolisticEnergyStore.com/  THE OPEN LINE NEWSPAPER, HEALTH NEWS, SPIRITUAL, ENVIRONMENT, ETC. http://WWW.THEOPENLINE.ORG    ENERGY HEALING TECHNIQUE FOR CHRONIC PAIN, PTSD & OTHER ISSUES THAT TROUBLE YOU.  http://vibrantenergy.webs.com