Jan 3, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Food Irradiation - Let The W.H.O. Organization Kill You | The Federal Observer

Food Irradiation - Let The W.H.O. Organization Kill You
Posted by: The Publisher on: December 30 2010 . Categorized in: Louis Turner
An Unjustified Reward For Ignorance

Welcome, my sheepling's to the future reality of sporadic death from gamma
rays emanating from radioactive cobalt-60 or cesium-137, at near
speed-of-light electrons fired by linear accelerators that NOW process the
food you are eating. Beware of the false process, which come to you in
sheeplet's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening W.H.O.'s. Ye shall know
them by their processed meat!

The World Health Organization is the most evil and influential agency for
forced global health control of its kind on the planet. Created in 1948 by
the United Nations. you know, the one WHO wants to take control of the
United States and destroy the family? Wow! This is the stuff of every
Socialist utopian. the typical globalist scum - a vision straight out of
hell and blessed by Marx himself.

You who? Shall we flip the birdie again? Sheís done on one side but the
other needs a little more nuclear kick to correctly fit into the bun:

Not to be outdone by Lenin and evidently not wanting to offend the other 8
billion underprivileged souls who occupy this globally controlled planet,
the WHO is pursuing a mission of killing millions of lives all under the big
lie that the Earth is over-populated, and that drastic measures need to be
taken before there is no more room left on planet earth!

Headquartered in Geneva, the WHO has grown from 61 member nations at its
founding to 193 today. Its more than 100 tentacles compress virtually every
government made health problem imaginable, from anthrax to the outright
banning of vitamins.

So What's the Beef?
Your next burger could be made with irradiated beef. Not everybody's happy
about it.

When the WHO speaks, the global idiots of the world listen. Here is a
comment from Citizen.org about irradiation's promise.

".With irradiation's promise of killing E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria and
other food-borne pathogens; neutralizing fruit flies, mango seed weevils and
other exotic pests; and delaying the spoilage of meat, fruit and vegetables,
this proclamation holds the potential to dramatically alter the way food is
produced, distributed and sold around the globe. As far as the world's food
supply is concerned, the proclamation is one of the most significant in
recent memory. How could irradiated foods be declared safe and wholesome if
animals fed irradiated foods in experiments dating back 50 years have
suffered dozens of health problems, including premature death, mutations and
other genetic abnormalities, fetal death and other reproductive problems,
immune system disorders, fatal internal bleeding, organ damage, tumors,
stunted growth and nutritional deficiencies?"

"The WHO has played a role in abandoning the original research agenda that
it co-drafted in 1961, which urged that a wide range of experiments be
conducted into the safety and wholesomeness of irradiated foods. These
experiments, the drafters wrote, should analyze whether irradiated foods are
toxic or radioactive; whether they could cause cancer or nutritional
deficiencies; or whether the scientific expertise even existed to answer
these fundamental questions. Most of the items on this research agenda were
not followed up in key WHO reports."

And to top this off, here is an approved list of Foods for Irradiation in
the United States.

SureBeam, the leading provider of such services to the food industry. The
Center for Consumer Research at the University of California, Davis carries
a detailed explanation of the irradiation process.

Regulatory approval
Giant Food refutes that claim. "All the major public health organizations,
such as the US Surgeon General, Centers for Disease Control, World Health
[Organization], FDA, and USDA, approve and endorse food irradiation." Now do
the math folks. (FYI: Giantfood's article has vanished).

Despite the warnings, brainwashed consumers seem sold on the idea that
government is one giant breasted nipple to depend on for Homeland Security.
Perhaps one day while taking a shower you will notice this great big
swelling mass that has grown on your body, and in stark stunning fear, you
will sign on the net searching for this article wondering if all this
electric nuclear meat has anything to do with your demise. That is when I
hope Big Brother would have ordered us to remove the intrepid article you
seek. Would that be an unjustified reward for your ignorance?

For in a Republic, the power of government is limited by law; in a
democracy, the power of government is without limits - it expands to meet
the never ending desires of the screaming mobs and serves it's puffed up
ideas to The Communitarian elite to the destruction of any Country! The
United States was a Republic-not a mob ruled democracy!

This Article was originally published in the Federalobserver on December 17,
2002 and has been reposted here.

Published in the December 28, 2010 issue of Shock And Awe Graphics .
@ntiCopyright © 2001 - 2010 Louis Turner. Republication allowed with this
notice and hyperlink intact.
