Jan 13, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Re: protection from electromagnetic radiation

HI Thahir,

I am so pleased and excited to tell you that there is WONDERFUL
protection from this radiation "soup" we live in! Our bodies must
fight cell phone radiation, power lines emissions, EMF waves and all
kinds of other waves which are all around us. Our body and brain is
affected by the positive and nurturing energy our brain emits called
Scalar energy. It supplies the energy and power we use every day to
think and move. You can read a great article on Scalar energy on my
website http://vibrantenergy.webs.com This positive energy actually
permeates every cell of your body to prevent the negative energies
from entering, so it not only protects you, it also strengthens you as
you work, run, play, etc. throughout your day.

You can also find scalar energy products there which will "boost" your
own scalar energy, almost like wearing a little battery, to help you
fend off these negative and damaging energy waves.

Love and blessings,

Jan Slama
Change your energy, change your life!

On Jan 13, 6:49 am, "Thahir P C" <pctha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> as we know, we are bombarded from all sides by invisible electromagnetic radiation. i would like to know whether there is any way, protective measures, radiation reducing devices or anything of that sort to save us from this electro pollution?
> Regards,
> Thahir.
> E mail: pctha...@gmail.com
> skype: pcthahir
> phone: 0496 2522242
> mobile: 9495743001

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