Feb 15, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Bob has already thrown in the towel on Winning the future



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Rocky and Republicans
Thomas Sowell:

With most of the media heavily tilted toward the Democrats, Republicans are going to get hit far more often than they are going to get in their own punches. ... more

Myth and Memory: The Battle Over Reagan's Legacy
Byron York:

Nearly one-third of the U.S. population today was born after Ronald Reagan left the White House. They'll never have any personal memory of Reagan, and millions more remember him just as the old guy who was president when they were little. ... more

Barbara Bush: 'No More, You're Killing Us'
Chuck Norris:

It all comes down to one question every citizen in our country must answer: Are you spectating or fighting for America's children in your local education Alamo? ... more

Obama Has Already Thrown in Towel on 'Winning the Future'
David Limbaugh:

It's pretty hard to stomach when President Obama even talks in terms of cutting the deficit, because his entire economic philosophy compels him to keep spending as if his goal were to impoverish our children and because he continues, in fact, to spend at such bankrupting levels. ... more

My Aim Is True
Mike Adams:

Dear Allison: I read with great interest your recent comment on one of my columns, which was posted on TownHall.com. In the post, you claimed that I had experienced a "sychotic [sic] breakdown"... ... more

Egypt's Dim Future
Cal Thomas:

The events of recent days in Egypt offer a sober lesson to westerners who think the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak resembles the American Revolution. ... more

Trip to Vietnam Revives Hatred of Communism
Dennis Prager:

It was difficult to control my emotions -- specifically, my anger -- during my visit to Vietnam last week. The more I came to admire the Vietnamese people -- their intelligence, love of life, dignity and hard work -- the more rage I felt for the communists who brought them (and, of course, us Americans) so much suffering in the second half of the 20th century. ... more

Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
Pat Buchanan:

Multiculturalism has "totally failed," says German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "State multiculturalism has had disastrous results," says Britain's David Cameron. ... more

The GOP Challenge--Creating A Culture of Cuts
Lurita Doan:

Smoke and mirrors management seems to be the usual Washington way to address the need for reduced federal spending. GOP leaders in congress have begun well, proposing $100 billion in cuts, but with national debt over $14,000,000,000,000.00that's not really enough, not by a long shot. ... more

The GOP Splits Over Extending the Patriot Act
Rachel Alexander:

With both parties substantially in agreement, the Patriot Act is likely to be around for awhile longer. ... more

Hold the Champagne on Egypt
Mona Charen:

Conservatives have been chastised in some quarters over the past week for their lack of enthusiasm for the "revolution" in Egypt. ... more

Republicans and the Door of No Return
Michael Gerson:

For time beyond remembering, the people of Senegal have lost a battle with malaria, surrendering a portion of their children to fever, organ failure and death, until this terrible sacrifice seemed ordinary. ... more

Eric Holder Partners with Fidel Castro Again
Humberto Fontova:

Last week the U.S. Dept. of Justice, at U.S. taxpayer expense, transported a Lieutenant Colonel of Fidel Castro's KGB-trained secret police named Roberto Hernandez-Caballero to a U.S. courtroom. ... more

NPR, PBS Federal Subsidies Should Go
Debra J. Saunders:

The liberal group Moveon.org has been sending out e-mails to warn that Republicans are back in control of the House and to ask recipients to sign a petition that states, "Congress must protect NPR and PBS and guarantee them permanent funding, free from political meddling. ... more


The Legacy of a Teetering Peace
Caroline Glick:

One of the first casualties of the Egyptian revolution may very well be Egypt's peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian public's overwhelming animus towards Jews renders it politically impossible for any Egyptian leader to come out in support of the treaty. ... more

The War on Profit
Bill Murchison:

Something there is -- to paraphrase Robert Frost -- that doesn't love an oil company. That, in fact, wants to Shake Fat Cat Oilmen Till Their Teeth Rattle, then Make 'Em Pay for Polluting the Skies and the Oceans!! Then ... ah, well, that'll do for starters. ... more

Unions Rule: Coin Flips Choose School Personnel
Kyle Olson:

Have you ever seen a school administrator add up the last four digits of a teacher's social security number to determine whether or not that teacher will remain on the staff? How about teachers flipping a coin to see who will have a job next school year, and who will be standing in the unemployment line? ... more

The True Cost of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Governorship
Meredith Turney:

Was it callous in a state of 12.3 percent uemployment for Gov. Schwarzenegger to tweet the following: "Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today." ... more

Free Trade With Protectionist China Cheats America
Phyllis Schlafly:

It looks like the Russians fooled us again in nuclear treaty negotiations. After President Obama bamboozled the Senate into a hurry-up ratification of his New START Treaty, Russia impudently rejected the Sen. McCain "understanding" that we don't have to abide by the preamble's language limiting the U.S. from building anti-missile defenses. ... more

Obama Can Fix 'Unreasonable Burdens On Business'
Katie Gage:

Just over a year ago, and without a tremendous amount of attention from the national media, a little-known agency changed nearly a century of labor policy in favor of union bosses and to the detriment of workers in the airline and railway industries. ... more

Bill Ayers' Comrade Calls ME a Terrorist?!
Kyle Olson:

Like the dog that finally catches the car, the radicals have become the establishment. Those free-wheeling students of the '60s - fighting "the man," bombing government buildings, burning draft cards - now work for that government and are counting the days when they'll receive their taxpayer-funded pension and retiree health care. ... more

In Defense of Custom
Paul Greenberg:

Civility and the need for it is much in the news these days, often enough in a political context, and even more often when pundits and pols are accusing each other of lacking it. ... more

Being Smart on the Budget
Rich Galen:

Here are the approximate numbers that you're going to be hearing about all day today, coming out of President Obama's proposebudget. ... more

We Need More Than Hearts on Valentine's Day
Carrie Lukas:

Cynics sneer at Valentine's Day as a Hallmark-designed holiday, designed to compel the purchase of frivolous gifts. Yet even the most cynical often grudgingly agree there's something nice about taking time to appreciate love relationships—even if the occasion is contrived. ... more

Latest Political News

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"Kids Aren't Cars"

Ann Coulter: GOP Should Push Christie to Run

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Sessions Rips Obama's Budget


Conservative Movement


Headline News


Yesterday's Top 10 Columns

  1. Parker: 'Gay Conservative' Is an Oxymoron
  2. Giles: Merry Old England Morphs into Scary New England via Multiculturalism
  3. Paulson: Choice, Not Compromise
  4. Bialosky: The Feds and California in Mortal Combat
  5. McCullough: CPAC's Experiment Gone Wild
  6. Barone: The Risk That 2/11/11 Will End up Like Iran's 2/11/79
  7. Saunders: Berkeley Does Guantanamo
  8. Jacob: Let's hear it for the Pauls
  9. Zito: Our new Jeffersonian Era
  10. O'Reilly: True Believers


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