Feb 26, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Doctor of MMS vs. Doctor of Medicine - Part One

                                                     Jim Humble NEWSLETTER

We thought you might like to see the difference in a MMS doctor and a Medical doctor.


Doctor of MMS

Doctor of Medicine

Uses MMS, (Master Mineral Solution).

Mild side effects that can easily be stopped.

Uses Pharmaceutical drugs.

Many side effects, some causing DEATH

 Not FDA approved: Average cost for approval is $800 million but would we want approval? Look at approved drugs.

Approved by FDA:  More than 970 thousand people die from FDA approved drugs each year.

 Big Pharma not involved: Less than  five  healing substances including  MMS  needed to heal most known diseases.

Works for big Pharma: Hundreds of sales people from big Pharma visit the doctor each year pushing thousands of drugs.

 Free Healing: Of all diseases including cancer.  Donate only after your are well and only if you want.

Expensive beyond your means: Many people spend their life's saving and then sell their home in order to pay.

No vaccines assisted Health: Use MMS to maintain you health.

Vaccines assisted Suicide: Destroys your health and will reduce longevity.

Uses reason and logic: Uses testimonial   results from thousands of cases. 

Uses Merck Manual, (a Big Pharma).  Ninety percent of all doctor prescriptions come directly from a manual.

Open minded, also uses herbs and plants: MMS cancer treatment   has been improving for the past 14 years.  90% recovery rate.

Closed minded, Drugs and Surgery:  Basically no change in cancer treatment for 100 years.  2.7% recovery.

Success in healing is greater than 90%:

Treats symptoms only, no healing: Drugs seldom seek to heal but rather to manage the disease.

Healing the world quickly:

Killing the world slowly.

Human testimonies of health: We have thousands of email testimonies of successful healings of what have been considered incurable diseases.

Health testimonies hard to find: We have been unable to locate any records of incurable diseases being  healed by medical science although we have been assured that it does happen.

Patients living quality lives: Most diseases are healed and hundreds of thousands no longer suffer. 

Doctors living Quality lives: Medical doctors receive thousands of dollars for their useless help and drugs and get to spend it for their quality lives. 

Side effects stopped by reduction: Because MMS leaves no residue in the body it causes no side effects.

Side effects are often death: Listen to the next drug advertisement on TV.  You will notice that they mention death as one side effect.

Servant Syndrome: Our Ministers treat people throughout the world free of charge with hope that they will donage to the church when well.

God syndrome: Extremely high prices are charged and held in place by law and authority while 970,000 die directly from their prescriptions each year in the USA.

Heals most diseases: We have thousands of emails of hundreds of different diseases healed. 

No healing, manages diseases: The medical profession can't even try to claim healing as they never do and never say they do.  It is well known that they treat only symptoms.

Heals many in one year: Again, throughout the world hundreds are healed every day.  See explanation below this table.

Heals few in a lifetime:  Not all drugs but most are calculated to treat but not heal diseases of all kinds.  The medical profession manages diseases and does not seek to heal them.

Replaces health insurance: If you can't afford health insurance learn and use MMS as it can save your life when Medical doctors cannot.

Requires expensive insurance: In order to buy modern health insurance you must give up some of the things you would like to afford for your children. 

 Advanced MMS training: No Debt!! Americans can afford the training of less than two weeks, or buy the new book, "The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium". Take charge of your own health.

8 years study, Big Debt!! BUT, in only 8 years you can become regarded as a God and be responsible for the health of several thousand people.

 End of Part One
