Feb 22, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Eugene J. Koprowski, Esq. -- new genetics experiments with veterans raising questions

What a horrible world we live in, we are webbed in
a prison full of murderous guards, I would hate to know
who are the omnipotent absolute jail keepers. Alena

--- In TheMulti-DimensionalNewsPortal@yahoogroups.com, "Lucky" <luckypig@...> wrote:
> By Eugene J. Koprowski, Esq.
> February 13, 2011
> NewsWithViews.com
> Dr. Josef Mengele was known as "der Weiss angel," or the white angel,
> at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland during World War II. His white
> lab coat caught the fleeting attention of dying "patients" there, as he
> prepared and executed his grotesque genetic experiments on them. One wonders
> what historians of the future will call the doctors at the Veterans
> Administration who are poised to perform their own genetic experiments on a
> captive population.
> The VA recently launched a massive medical data collection effort
> called the "Million Veteran Program," run by Doctors Timothy O'Leary and
> Joel Kuppersmith at the Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research
> and Development.
> The good doctors are gathering genetic information from one million
> former U.S. service vets -- soldiers, sailors, and airmen. They are
> pressuring the veterans who use the VHA health services - at about 500
> hospitals across the U.S.. - to give blood samples. During every routine
> visit, and also by phone and mail. The blood samples, once obtained, are
> then placed in cryogenic storage in a huge bio-repository on the East Coast.
> These blood samples contain the soldiers' own DNA - the code of their
> genetic makeup.
> To what end?
> That's the million dollar question about the million veteran program
> program, isn't it?
> Why would the U.S. government want a gigantic database of genetic
> information about a million American service veterans?
> Echoes of Tuskegee
> Remember, the feds don't have a quite unassailable record when it
> comes to medical research. We all know for a fact that American military
> doctors infected black Americans with syphilis in the infamous "Tuskegee"
> experiments decades ago. This caused neurological damage, dementia, and
> other maladies for the unfortunate few who were subject to the sick
> experiments.
> What's more, the CIA famously used doses of LSD during the Cold War to
> get the "truth" out of communist suspects. While it may or may not have
> elicited reliable intelligence information, it most certainly created a new
> generation of mental patients for America's already crowded psychiatric
> wards.
> Lastly, who can forget that many African-Americans allege that the
> AIDS virus was created in American laboratories as a biological weapon.
> What needs to happen here, right now, before this madness of the
> million veteran program goes any further is a massive Congressional
> investigation. I'm calling on the new House GOP Majority to hold hearings
> with its Veterans Affairs Committee on this program to get to the bottom of
> this suspicious project. VA says the genetic information will be kept
> confidentially and will be used to seek out cures in the future for
> diabetes, heart disease, post traumatic stress disorder, and even
> susceptibility to poisoning by agent orange defoliant. Maybe that's all
> true.
> But if the VA has the genetic samples of millions of veterans in
> storage in a massive, cryogenically frozen state, couldn't they use the data
> for other purposes as well?
> We know the Obama administration, as one of its first acts upon taking
> office in 2009, was to completely eliminate the Bush administration's
> restrictions on experiments with stem cell lines from aborted fetuses. So
> Obama and his kindred socialists in the federal government are already
> willing - and noww able - to experiment on the populace, or at least the
> offspring of the populace.
> I wonder what the members of veterans groups like the American
> Legion - II am one - will think when they hear about this strange, new
> Mengele-like medical program coming from the agency that is supposed to
> protect their health after they gave years of service to the military of
> these United States. What about the other veterans service groups, Blue Star
> Mothers? Do they want their sons and daughters to be experimented on, or to
> have their genes experimented on, in some laboratory by white coated
> Kupersmith and O'Leary?
> Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts!
> You know, it was Kupersmith who, decades ago, authored one of the
> first papers in American medicine on what is today called "comparative
> effectiveness research." Comparative effectiveness is shorthand for
> understanding what treatments are most effective on what populations. In
> other words, comparative effectiveness research lays the foundation for what
> former GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin called "death panels." Is
> theVA using a million veterans as lab rats to determine what therapy works,
> and what therapy does not work, on disorders commonly suffered by veterans,
> so as to lay the groundwork to create "death panels" for them, and then, the
> rest of U.S.?
> That's the question Secretary Eric Shinseki - Obama's appointeee to
> and head of the VA - needs to be called before Congress to answer
> immediately.
> © 2011 Eugene J. Koprowski, Esq. - All Rights Reserved
> http://www.newswithviews.com:80/Koprowski/eugene104.htm