Feb 20, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Far infrared lamp made with heat-treated clay - Treats immune system, relieves pain


What is a Gou Gong TDP Far Infrared Mineral Lamp?

The Far Infrared Mineral Lamp, currently approved by the FDA, was invented by a group of scientists in China, headed by Dr. Gou Wenbin. The Far Infrared Mineral Lamp has proven effective in treating numerous ailments such as muscular aches and pains, soft tissue injuries, arthritis and various skin conditions.

Early in 1970, an odd and interesting phenomenon was noted at a century-old ceramic factory in a rural area in China. This factory had extremely poor working conditions. The workers there stood in mud [ clay ] for much of the work day and the new production manager recognized these abject working conditions, becoming concerned that the workers would be troubled with arthritis and other related ailments due to standing on the cold, sodden floor for long periods of time. The ensuing investigations disclosed that the side effects of standing in the mud were the opposite of original concerns. They found that there was not a single case of arthritis among the workers.

A full-scale scientific investigation revealed a single anomaly: an electromagnetic reading in the far-infrared spectrum emanating from the kiln used to fire the ceramics. Analysis of a metallic slag in the kiln, accumulated over years of buildup, showed it was made up of 33 minerals. These minerals happen to correspond with 33 essential minerals in the human body, and when heated sufficiently, radiate far-infrared energy exactly like the human body.

The conclusion of the research suggested that the clay was the reason for such few pain symptoms.

The critical component of the TDP lamp is the heat-treated black clay. The ceramic plate emits electromagnetic waves in the infrared range of between 2 and 25 microns. The absorbed energy promotes microcirculation and strengthens the immune system as well as relieves pain in the body. It also stimulates the accupuncture points at the treatment location, and stimulates micro-circulation which results in the delivery of higher levels of oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues. The emitted FIM energy penetrates up to 3½ inches.

This effect is greater in injured tissues, since there is less resistance to electrical current and electromagnetic force at locations of damage in the body.

Since far infrared promotes blood circulation, it causes the expansion of capillary vessels. Therefore, it assists in tissue detoxification and improved efficiency in the lymphatic system.