Feb 12, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Space so full of junk that a satellite collision could destroy communications on Earth

Space so full of junk that a satellite collision could destroy communications on Earth

Space is so littered with debris that a collision between satellites could set off an "uncontrolled chain reaction" capable of destroying the communications network on Earth, a Pentagon report warned.

Computer artwork                     showing space debris in low Earth orbit and                     geostationary Earth orbit. Space debris includes                     thousands of inactive satellites, fragments of                     broken up spacecraft and equipment lost by                     astronauts. This artwork is based on density data,                     but
Artwork showing space debris in low and geostationary Earth orbit. Space debris includes thousands of inactive satellites, fragments of broken up spacecraft and equipment lost by astronauts. This artwork is based on density data, but is not to scale Photo: EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRAR

The volume of abandoned rockets, shattered satellites and missile shrapnel in the Earth's orbit is reaching a "tipping point" and is now threatening the $250 billion (£174bn) space services industry, scientists said.

A single collision between two satellites or large pieces of "space junk" could send thousands of pieces of debris spinning into orbit, each capable of destroying further satellites.

Global positioning systems, international phone connections, television signals and weather forecasts are among the services which are at risk of crashing to a halt.

This "chain reaction" could leave some orbits so cluttered with debris that they become unusable for commercial or military satellites, the US Defense Department's interim Space Posture Review warned last year.

There are also fears that large pieces of debris could threaten the lives of astronauts in space shuttles or at the International Space Station.

Bharath Gopalaswamy, an Indian rocket scientist researching space debris at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, estimates that there are now more than 370,000 pieces of junk compared with 1,100 satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO), between 490 and 620 miles above the planet.

The February 2009 crash between a defunct Russian Cosmos satellite and an Iridium Communications Inc. satellite left around 1,500 pieces of junk whizzing around the earth at 4.8 miles a second.

A Chinese missile test destroyed a satellite in January 2007, leaving 150,000 pieces of debris in the atmosphere, according to Dr Gopalaswamy.

The space junk, dubbed "an orbiting rubbish dump", also comprises nuts, bolts, gloves and other debris from space missions.

"This is almost the tipping point," Dr Gopalaswamy said. "No satellite can be reliably shielded against this kind of destructive force."

The Chinese missile test and the Russian satellite crash were key factors in pushing the United States to help the United Nations issue guidelines urging companies and countries not to clutter orbits with junk, the Space Posture Review said in May.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) issued Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines in 2009, urging the removal of spacecraft and launch vehicles from the Earth's orbit after the end of their missions.

Mazlan Othman, director of UNOOSA, said space needs "policies and laws to protect the public interest".

He added: "We should have all the instruments to make sure that lifestyles are not disrupted because of misconduct in space when people switch the television to watch the World Cup next month in Johannesburg."


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