Urge Congress to Freeze Approval of GE Salmon Despite over 400,000 comments from individuals, fishers, organizations, and food companies opposing the introduction of GE salmon, FDA is expected to approve the GE AquAdvantage Atlantic salmon—the first genetically engineered animal meant for human consumption—any day now. Several Congress members are hard at work trying to stop this dangerous approval. Right now, the U.S. House of Representatives is debating amendments offered to the Continuing Resolution, a piece of legislation that will authorize funding for Federal programs of the U.S. Government through September 2011. Rep. Woolsey (D-CA) has introduced Amendment No. 491, which would bar the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from approving genetically engineered salmon in 2011: Amendment 491: Sec. __. None of the funds made available by this Act to the Food and Drug Administration may be used to approve any application submitted under section 512 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360b) for approval of genetically engineered salmon (or any product derived from genetically engineered salmon) intended for human consumption. Ms. Woolsey’s amendment would offer a much needed freeze on FDA’s approval process, temporarily halting FDA’s dangerous actions while fishers, consumers and members of Congress address the numerous human health, environmental and economic risks associated with GE fish. In addition to sending your email, please call Your Representative. Call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to speak with your Representative’s office: (202) 224-3121 Don’t know who your Representative is? Click here and enter your zip code, then look for your U.S. House Representative (we will match you to your Representative automatically to send your email). Sample phone message: "My name is ______ and am a resident of __________. I strongly urge Rep. ______ to support Amendment No. 491 offered by Rep. Woolsey that would bar the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from approving genetically engineered salmon in 2011. Amendment 491 would offer a much needed freeze on FDA’s approval process, temporarily halting FDA’s dangerous actions while fishers, consumers and members of Congress address the numerous human health, environmental and economic risks associated with GE fish. Thank you for your work and for your support of Amendment No. 491" Congress must speak up to stop this dangerous and misguided approval process. Please call and write your Congressional Representative and urge them to support Amendment No. 491! Please send your email Today!  |
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