Feb 8, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Wild Horses Abused by Pilot AGAIN



Tell the NY Times That We Want This Covered - 888-698-6397 NYTNews@NYTimes.com Wild Horses Abused by Pilot AGAIN

by Grass Roots Horse, Inc. on Monday, 07 February 2011 at 19:16

February 6, 2011


Maureen VanDerStad


Contact: Info@grassrootshorse.com

Press Release and photos follow (photo credit: Laura Leigh)  


Today at the Bureau of Land Management’s wild horse roundup and removal in Antelope Complex, Elko district, NV the blatant abuse of wild horses by helicopter continues after the BLM reprimands the pilot.


The pilot spent Super Bowl Sunday thumbing his nose at the alleged warning he received," journalist Laura Leigh stated "this man was saying I can do as I darn well please." In a quote from the BLM’s Washington DC spokesmen, Tom Gorey when asked to comment on other shocking photos taken by Laura Leigh on Monday January 31, 2011 after the so called reprimand was issued to the pilot. “BLM believes the photos were taken the same day of the video but from a different angle”.  Tom Gorey is referring to videos depicting the helicopter abuse of an old horse taken on January 27, 2011 by two other observers. The photos taken by Leigh on January 31, 2011 just days after the BLM’s alleged reprimand are meta tagged with the date January 31 and time as well as the fact that Laura Leigh was not present at the roundup on January 27, the date that the video Tom Gorey refers to was shot. 


"I literally feel ill. I always suspected what was happening behind the rises I could never see beyond. Now I know and reviewing pictures and video, reliving this, literally makes me ill. After the pilot’s been given the warning yet the behavior continues. What can we the public expect the reactions of the Obama administration to be in addressing this serious issue" Laura Leigh stated. Over 2,000 frames were shot today demonstrating this type of action by this pilot.  


The ability of observers to capture these images and finally inform the public of what is happening to our wild horse herds has been assured by the legal action taken by Grass Roots Horse. The Elko district attempted to close public lands during the Owyhee roundup and obstructed the public’s ability to witness a single horse rounded up from Owyhee and Grass Roots Horse continues to make a stand for the public’s right to know. http://grassrootshorse.com/ 


Government contracted pilot abuses wild horses again, after blm allegedly issues a reprimand. 2/6/2011
pilot harrassed and abused this horse for close to 30:00 on 2/6/2011