Jun 18, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- GARDENING TIP: garden hydrogen peroxide for bigger produce


Gardening with Hydrogen Peroxide

              This will be the most phenomenal article you will ever read. It deals with
              something as simple as H2O2 (Peroxide) and is harmless to all good things. I
              have been gardening for about 40 years and was wondering why bad bugs
              had to have a very specific pesticide to control them. I had been inhaling
              peroxide for aches, pains and allergies and it seemed to control all of them.
              Not having any source to go to for the information on how to use peroxide
              in the garden, I decided on the trial and error method. I have never started a  project that I new how to get to the end, and this was noexception.
              The beauty supply store would have the peroxide that I needed. The 40%
              peroxide cost about $2.50 a quart. I bought the least expensive they had,
              because I did not need any additives. Having no knowledge of what strength to use, I used 8% for my plants. They did not die so that is the strength I
              have used ever since.
              If you have a small garden you will need a hand squeeze
sprayer. A little
              peroxide goes a long way. My lot is about 100 X 85 and I
use a six-gallon
              sprayer. I have it mounted on a 2-wheel handcart. The
peroxide comes in
              several strengths, so the strength you start out with is
not that important as
              long as the final strength is 8%. Peroxide should be kept
out of the sun.
              When you plant the seedlings dig the hole and spray it
with peroxide using
              your hand sprayer. Wet it good and then wet the roots of
the seedlings or
              small plant.
              I don,t use any commercial fertilizers. I have my own well
so I have none of
              those chemicals the government uses in their water. When I
prune the fruit
              trees, I put the trimmings in the chipper and add all the
ashes from my wood
              burner and then till them into the garden in the fall. My
garden is composting
              all year long. The grass clippings are used for the
walkways between plants.
              I started out with clay, now the soil is black and soft.
              Corn was the first plant that I used the peroxide on. I
marked two rows off
              and every 12 inches made a hole about 2 or 3 deep. I put
one kernel in each
              hole then poured about third cup of 8% peroxide in each
hole and covered
              them up. In 5 to 6 days the sprouts came up. Fourteen days
later I repeated
              the process without the peroxide. They came up in 12 to 14
days. Fourteen
              days later I repeated the first with the peroxide and they
came up in 5 to 6
              days. As the corn grew the corn with out the peroxide did
not grow well as
              the ones with peroxide. I have noticed that the birds do
not attack the ears of
              corn any more, and I assume it is because there are no
worms in ears of
              corn. Birds can fly over the corn and know there are no
worms in the corn.
              Do they have a sense that man does not have?
              Acorn squash was next. They were planted with out
peroxide. After 3 or 4
              leaves formed the bugs made filigree of the leaves. One
new leaf was
              untouched. I sprayed the plants with peroxide and as time
went by the plants
              sprouted new leaves. They produced several squash. I
sprayed the plants
              after every rain. I planted turnips with no peroxide and
the bugs over took
              them. I wet them down with peroxide and that stopped the
              I planted radishes and they grew bigger than golf balls,
and had a mild and
              firm taste. I will be planting radishes and carrots this
year. Last year the
              turnips grew to 6 to 8 in diameter and were mild when
              The next year I decided to try soaking the seeds before I
planted them. I
              soak them for three or four hours just before I planted
them. The only seeds
              that did not survive the soaking were the navy beans. They
just slipped out
              of their skins.
              The potatoes have been interesting. The first year I
planted potatoes I
              planted them without soaking them but sprayed them after
they came up. I
              wet them down (not soaking) after they were 6 or 8 inches
tall. Then about
              three weeks later I just sprayed a mist over them. They
had some very small
              holes in them but they produced good potatoes. The next
year I soaked
              them before planting and misted them when they came up.
Last year I had
              several self-sow potatoes. I transplanted them but used no
peroxide on them.
              I have had self-sow squash that came from plants that were
peroxide grown
              and they were bug free without using peroxide.
              In 2002 I used one ounce of 40% peroxide per gallon. Just
about every thing
              that was green was sprayed and the results were a big
surprise to my wife
              and me, We had no mosquitoes or any other flying bugs in
our yard. There
              were a few ladybugs but they were few and far between. I
don,t think the
              peroxide had any thing to do with the ladybugs directly.
However, the lack
              of bugs for them to eat would be my guess why there were
so few.
              The vegetable that gave me a problem was the cabbage. I
was determined to
              conquer the cabbageworm. Years ago I sprayed the cabbage
plants with
              peroxide to no avail. This year I soaked the cabbage seeds
before planting
              them. There were no signs of the bug until the cabbage
plants were almost
              full grown, then I poured about a quarter of cup of 8%
peroxide over the
              cabbage, letting it flow down into the layers of the
leaves. That stopped the
              cabbage bugs.
              This year I will use hydrogen peroxide more freely on
every thing that is
              alive and green in my yard and garden.
              Bill Munro