I just came across a fascinating resource
that a friend of mine presented to me.
It's a technique that deals
specifically with pressure points on
the ear!
It's amazing what our energy system
can do when we know how to use it
The technique is called Auriculotherapy
and it's based on the same ancient
Chinese meridian system that tapping is.
The technique is safe, simple and very
easy to learn.
This self-treatment triggers the brain
to release powerful bio-chemicals to
eliminate pain and restore balance in
the body!
You can check it out and learn more
by going here:
Let me know what you think. :)
Keep tapping!
Nicolas Ortner - Creator and Producer
www.TheTappingSolution.com - Ph. 800.507.1657
"The Tapping Solution" is a breakthrough documentary
exploring meridian tapping, a healing tool based on the body's
subtle energy systems and meridians.
The film includes luminaries such as Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale,
Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Norm Shealy,
Bob Proctor, Carol Look, Dr. Patricia Carrington and more!
View the trailer at: http://www.thetappingsolution.com
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