Jul 24, 2009

A new zero calorie and refreshing!

This Thursday, 16, the Health Blog has the exclusive for the press launch of the new beverage known brand supported by Gatorade, the Hydractive propel. " The novelty, which is coming to the Brazilian market is already successful in countries like USA, Argentina and Mexico. For women who have an active life and sports as light hiking, pilates and yoga in addition to the complement killing the seat and have zero calorie is an excellent choice for moisturizing the body.
Unlike the isotonic, which contains in its carbohydrate composition, the beverage is a source of the B complex vitamins - B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) - and vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). Members of the GSSI - Gatorade Sports Science Institute, reference on sports nutrition and hydration, were at the event and warned about the large number of people who have no tradition of hydrate adequately. The seat is a sign that the body is already dehydrated and needs fluid replacement for its proper functioning.
Is looking for an incentive to start the group on foot or reserve some days for meditation and yoga? Enjoy the new, available in flavors lemon, kiwi-strawberry and tangerine orange. At first the product is available only in the regions south and southeast of the country. The forecast for north and northeast and is centroeste first quarter of 2010.