Jul 24, 2009


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Consuming red meat and sausage seems to increase the risk of death, whereas white meat consumption seems to reduce it, suggests a study in the United States, with results published in this second-feira.A research, involving more half a million people, looked at men and women with between 50 and 71 years, from 1995. The survey answered a questionnaire about their diet and were followed in the ten years, through the provision social.Durante this period, 47,976 men and 23,276 died mulheres.O study found that 20% of men and women who ate more red meat (average of 62.5 grams per thousand calories absorbed daily) had a higher risk of mortality compared to those who ate less red meat (9.8 grams per thousand calories a day). The research, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, 23 March, finds the same results among those who ate more or less embutidos.Os authors of the study concluded that we could prevent 11% of deaths among men and 16% among women with a 20% reduction in consumption of red meat or embutidos.Já between the queries that have more white meat, 20% had a lower risk of death in the group who consumed meat branca.O risk of death caused by cardiovascular diseases among the group that ate less red meat and sausage was 11% lower among men and 21% among women in relation to that ate more red meat and sausage, highlight the authors of the study, the National Cancer Institute of the USA (NCI).