Jan 31, 2010

Re: [MedicalConspiracies] What if

Oh my ... Bruce - this isn't a medical conspiracy - it's a mental health risk that started back in 02 and gets recycled at every change of guards in the big houses ... do you have any substantial evidence to suggest that there is a real chance elections might be cancelled by contrived or actual emergency details that don't simply recycle the same ones used several times previously?
I have thought about the potential probabilities that each round of elections would be cancelled - so far they haven't been and while I concede that there is a chance that some contrived or manufactured event might occur to cause it - how would it cause the complete shutting down of the election process unless it took out the ENTIRE US voting public arena - ie, wiped the US off the map?
If 911 had happened at an opportune moment - it wouldn't be necessary to stop the elections ... if it happened in 10 different locations, it'd make elections even more important in the aftermath ... the 'fear mongering' of suspended elections is trotted out at this time every cycle and it doesn't help unless and until there is some real or credible evidence that it could be implimented and 'stick' - the US can't win two wars against what amounts to nomads with pop-guns in comparision to what the US owns and operates - it can't keep the boots on the ground to service those wars and that's taking the national guard ... the militias are spruking a 10 000 strong well armed army stateside wide readying themselves for an inevitable revolution and the people are increasingly disenchanted with the system across the board - tell me, Bruce - WHO in their right mind would dare to try to put down the US peoples at this point with anything less than a formidable force prepared to use WMD on the civilian population ..?
I'll give you a hint - it won't be the Obama Administration ... you want to aim more at what will happen when the 2012 elections are moot because Revolution just swept across the great USA expanse and galvanized the rest of the world into action to solve its own problems ... what's left standing afterwards can rebuild again, minus the useless eaters and self-proclaimed monarchy ... 

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:52 PM, <excalibur25@juno.com> wrote:
a contrived or actual national emergency cancels the 2010 elections ?

Think about it.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$.  ALL "pro 2A" orgs.
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

[MedicalConspiracies] What if

a contrived or actual national emergency cancels the 2010 elections ?

Think about it.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$. ALL "pro 2A" orgs.
Senior Assisted Living
Put your loved ones in good hands with quality senior assisted living. Click now!

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[MedicalConspiracies] Ear Infections: Home Remedy


Children are often plagued with ear infections and they're often taken to doctors who ply them with antibiotics. However, antibiotics destroy our healthy bacteria, which is our first line of immune defense. This leaves children, and adults, wide open for numerous health problems later in life after they've taken antibiotics. Ear infections are most often caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus in the ear and the juice of a few cloves of raw garlic with a little water is an effective natural antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal. This simple mixture can be placed right in the ear a couple times a day as an easy home remedy to beat common ear infections.

However, before you do this, you should know that with ear infections, it can be painful while the garlic is killing what needs to be killed. The pain, however, generally lasts just a few minutes and when the problem is eliminated, there will be no pain even with the same dosage of garlic water.

To make the mixture, juice a few cloves of garlic and strain the juice to ensure it's without chunks or solid residue. Then, add approximately five times as much purified water as garlic juice. Then simply tilt your head to the side and pour in some of the garlic water. Keeping your head cocked to the side, let the garlic juice remain in your ear for a few minutes or as long as you can stand. When you're ready, simply tilt your head to the other side to drain the remainder, and rinse your ear in your next shower. With young children, or if you have a low tolerance for pain, you may want to dilute the juice even further.

It generally takes just a dose or two before the pain - and problem - are eliminated. And most would agree that the momentary pain beats having your immune system compromised for the rest of your life - whether you're an adult or child - just because your doctor didn't tell you how to replenish your healthy bacteria after he or she gave you drugs that destroyed them.

If you've already taken antibiotics and are turning to home remedies as a back plan, it's important to also get started in replacing your healthy bacteria. Having an abundance of these friendly microbes in your gut will help you avoid many problems. Dr. Richard Anderson tells us that one dose of antibiotics can wipe out all of our healthy bacteria.

Healthy bacteria are found naturally in raw fermented foods, including sauerkraut, kim chi, and kombucha. Quality yogurts also contain plenty of healthy bacteria, but yogurt is also mucus-forming which contributes to clogged pathways in the body. In particular, mucus-forming foods contribute to clogged sinuses - and clogged sinuses are connected with ear infections. Due to this, it's better to get your healthy bacteria from vegetable-based sources. Healthy bacteria are also available as supplements known as probiotics. Just be sure to purchase a good brand - and one with at least as much of the Bifidobacteria strain as the Lactobacillus bacteria (acidophilus, etc.) strain.

More ideas from the comments on this article:
 - An easier (and less painful) way to do it is to use garlic oil. All you do is crush a few cloves of garlic, put it in a little jar, and add some olive oil. Let it sit for a week or so and then strain off the oil. It will keep for quite a while so you can make it ahead of time for when you need it. If you want to use the garlic juice I would still mix it with oil instead of water because the oil is theraputic and pain relieving on its own.
- had a friend that had a real bad ear, I suggested he purchase garlic capsules (was a kyolic fan like me) and squeeze some into that ear. He was amazed how quickly it worked. By the end of the day, no more ear pain at all. Only prob was he didn't like smelling like a salad he said!!! = )
- Suggest using a less painful remedy. Take capsule (or 2) of vitamin A, warm it in the palm of your hand; sterilize a pin and prick a hole in the vitamin A capsule, lie on the opposite side of the ear infection & squeeze the contents into your ear while wiggling the ear with you hand to allow the oil to go deep into the ear. Remain lying on your side for a few minutes to allow absorption of the oil.

[MedicalConspiracies] The history of CANCER...and its creation.

Share the knowledge: 
Is this ignorance or professional incompetence?  Either way, it is criminal.  
Please watch this if you want to know the reason there is so much cancer, aids, and deadly illnesses. 
Why would the medical industry want to cause harm? 
Please watch this... The knowledge gained is important for halting the snare of disease.  .    
knowledge is power ~
power is transformation 
we best understand the serious dangers to human DNA with the use of airport scanners
Time for a new idea for health services to come forward. 
Time to stop the insanity.


[MedicalConspiracies] Historical And Scientific Evidence For Cancer And Other Disease Therapies Banned From Public By FTC, FDA And State Attorneys General


Historical And Scientific Evidence For Cancer And Other Disease Therapies Banned From Public By FTC, FDA And State Attorneys General

In the past few years, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and State Attorneys General have warned, fined, jailed, shut down, threatened, and maligned hundreds of companies not on the basis of customer complaints, but solely on the basis of expressed or implied claims that these companies made to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent disease conditions. 

In 2008, FTC did an internet sweep of 130 companies who the FTC said implied that they have effective integrative help for people who have been diagnosed with cancer.  In all FTC cases against dietary supplement companies filed last year for allegedly making claims to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent cancer, not one was based on customer complaints.  Instead, all were based on websites seeking to educate the public about the benefits of historically beneficial dietary supplements, including herbs and nutrients that have had significant impact on cancer.

In the majority of these cases, the owners of these companies were required to send out a letter dictated by the FTC to every person who had bought their products, saying "only conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) are scientifically proven to be safe and effective in humans." 

The FTC requires double-blind placebo controlled studies to establish a statement as scientifically proven.  According to the FTC's own expert, such a  study would cost $100 million per ingredient.  This is the way that FTC and FDA prohibit the public from getting sound information that can improve their health.  This is the problem that HR 3394 (The Freedom of Health Speech Act) and HR 3395 (The Health Freedom Act) are designed to eliminate. 

If you believe that you have the right to make your own decisions based on the truthful, non-misleading evidence of research and historical data about the benefits of particular dietary supplements for your health, and don't want the FTC and FDA to make those decisions for you, read on, and take appropriate action!

The Citizens for Health Natural Health Freedom Defense Network urges passage of HR 3394 (The Freedom of Health Speech Act) and HR 3395 (The Health Freedom Act).   Write to your Congressional Representative today and ask them to co-sponsor these Bills that have been introduced by Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas).

--HR 3394 says that the FTC has the burden of proof if it alleges that a dietary supplement claim is false or misleading, and that it  cannot prosecute a company without giving 30 days notice that such claim violates the law.

Click here for more on HR 3394, including bill text and cosponsors.          

--HR 3395 says that FDA has the burden of proof if it alleges that a claim is false or misleading, and says that FDA may not take action to prevent use of a truthful, non-misleading claim that any nutrient in a food or supplement can cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease. 

Click here for more on HR 3395, including bill text and cosponsors.

Today over 100 million people use dietary supplements.  The FDA, which is funded in large part by pharmaceutical companies and their research dollars, in cooperation with the FTC and State Attorneys General, have worked diligently to search for companies recommending dietary supplements for disease conditions by combing websites on the internet. They have fined companies in some cases millions of dollars, putting many out of business.

You have the right to know the truth about dietary supplements' usefulness in improving health.  Please write your Congressmen today and ask them to co-sponsor HR 3394 and HR 3395.  These Bills will ensure your right to read and hear the truth about dietary supplements' positive benefits for health. 

Thank you for supporting this legislation!  Thank you for taking action.  Thank you for making a positive CHANGE in our healthcare system.  Thank you for caring for all who are looking for answers for wellness and for chronic health conditions by taking a few minutes to write to your Congressional leaders today. 

James S. Turner
Chairman of the Board
Citizens for Health

Jim Illick
Project Director
"Sponsor and Pass" HR 3394 and 3395

January 26, 2010 

Please Cosponsor HR 3394 and HR 3395, the Freedom of Health Speech Act and the Health Freedom Act 

Dear Representative

The FDA and FTC currently are using the definition of a drug and medical device written in the 1930's against many dietary supplement companies. That definition states that a drug or medical device is that which is intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent disease conditions. The FDA has taken the stance that foods, herbs, and dietary supplements therefore cannot claim, even by implication, that they cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent disease conditions. There are 130 companies which have been warned, raided, fined, sued, closed down, taken to court, and convicted of marketing unapproved drugs, simply because they seek to educate the public about the power of nutrition, and in some cases, the history of benefits that people receive from certain nutritional foods, herbs, and supplements. Most of the time, these suits and warnings come without one complaint from the public, but are strictly meant to suppress the truthful, non-misleading claims of the health benefits of foods and dietary supplements. The FTC, FDA, and Attorneys General have taken a stand against the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which was passed to protect us from the suppression of educational materials on nutrition. I strongly urge you to co-sponsor HR 3394 and HR 3395, the Freedom of Health Speech Act and the Health Freedom Act, introduced by Representative Ron Paul and cosponsored by Dan Burton. I also ask that you would strongly consider co-sponsoring HR 3396, the Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act. This Act would prevent government agencies such as the FTC and FDA from having the authority to make regulations and laws without having Congress pass those laws and the President sign the laws. The unelected officials who run these agencies are making these regulations and laws unconstitutionally. This legislation would cause these regulatory agencies to be submitted fully to the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of our government. Thank you for the work that you are doing to represent our state. Please continue to listen intently to the voice of the people and to pass legislation accordingly! 
We will add your signature from the information you provide.



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[MedicalConspiracies] MUST WATCH: Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. And Advances inTelsa Technology

 MUST WATCH: Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. And Advances inTelsa Technology
Examines the controversial military program based on Tesla technology
its' possible effects on weather and use in mind control.

Jan 30, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Loving on the Haitians

According to Pat Buchanan, over 200 years ago, Haitians prayed to
satan to remove the French from Haiti. Yet, every news report states
that the French are onsite and everything is a "nightmare situation.".
YUP ! The haitians were certainly forward thinking on "god" choice.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$. ALL "pro 2A" orgs.


"I came here to love on these people..."

Mike Roberts, a Dallas businessman who donated the use of his company
plane to take medical workers and supplies to Haiti, has been helping
manage operations at a community hospital where volunteer teams are
treating people. He was invited to help out when the staff learned that
he's a CEO.
He went to Haiti to try to help the children but said he now finds
himself in
a "nightmare situation."
Hotel pics, info and virtual tours. Click here to book a hotel online.

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Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely
speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.
YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

Re: [MedicalConspiracies] Before seeking treating for low back pain...

Most people are magnesium deficient, causing a lot of cramping and pains...
Transdermal magnesium chloride works wonders
----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Slama
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 2:31 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Before seeking treating for low back pain...

My massage therapist taught me a wonderfully easy exercise to prevent and/or heal low back pain, and my chiropractor taught me a great stretch exercise to stretch out screaming, low back muscles.  Both are so easy and work well.


[MedicalConspiracies] Before seeking treating for low back pain...

My massage therapist taught me a wonderfully easy exercise to prevent and/or heal low back pain, and my chiropractor taught me a great stretch exercise to stretch out screaming, low back muscles.  Both are so easy and work well.


Exercise to prevent or heal low back pain

Lie on your stomach on the floor.  Raise your torso on your elbows so your back is arched.  Raise and lower your feet, bending at the knees.  As you raise your feet, gently clench your low back muscles from the waist to the tailbone.  You can feel it.  Do this for 2 or 3 minutes each day.  Took me about 4 weeks to build up low back strength so I wasn’t hurting anymore. 


Stretch for Low back

Find a table or some surface which is about the same height or just a bit lower than your hip joints where you bend.  Place fingertips flat on the surface, bending at the hip joints, so you look like an L shape.  Put your head between arms and try to touch your chin to your chest.  Hold that pose as you feel the muscles stretch in your low back and hamstrings down the back of your legs.  Don’t bounce.  Just hold the pose at least 20 seconds, and bend lower if you can.  You can move your feet ahead, closer to the surface you are touching, for maximum stretch.  Stretching the muscles often stops the pain. 


You can use the same exercise to stretch upper back muscles.  In the L shape pose again, arch your back upwards in sort of a rolling motion, and hold it when you find the point where it is aching most.  Hold for at least 20 seconds. 


Cramping aching muscles are knotted up, much like your fist in a tight grip.  Stretching them forces the muscles to lengthen out to normal position again, so it pulls and hurts a bit to get them stretched, but it does work.


Same will work for your neck muscles.  If it hurts to turn your head, try leaning your head to the side and stretching your neck muscles to one side and then the other.


Love and blessings,




[MedicalConspiracies] AFTER ONE YEAR OF : 'HOPE & CHANGE'

"AFTER ONE YEAR OF 'HOPE & CHANGE" is the 1st of two related articles added 1/30/10 to the http://www.truthquestonline.info/NEWS_VIEWS.html page of the Truth Quest website, as a Post-State Of The Union entry. The 2nd is: "MSNBC : AMERICANS SKEPTICAL OF OBAMA PROMISES.

Hope Senator Brown gets seated soon.  Best wishes, Bob

[MedicalConspiracies] Check out In Cost Dispute, U.S. Halts Airlift of Haiti Quake Victims - NYTime

  • "...The United States has suspended its medical evacuations of critically injured Haitian earthquake victims until a dispute over who will pay for their care is settled, military officials said Friday
  • ".. The suspension could be catastrophic for patients, said Dr. Barth A. Green, the co-founder of Project Medishare for Haiti, a nonprofit group affiliated with the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine that had been evacuating about two dozen patients a day...."
  • "...People are dying in Haiti because they can't get out," Dr. Green said.."
so where did the $400 million in US aid go and the donations? like 9/11 and Katrina no accountability
like Iraq and Afhghanistan money seems to get lost
so why did USA resist other nations' help ?
poor people die that is the facts
poor people die that is the new normal
poor people die that is the new world order
the Nazis lost the war but fascists have won the peace - while people die many will profit from the occupation and rebuild

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda
'awaken and shaken the sheople'

[MedicalConspiracies] Soy Can Lead to Kidney Stones - Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

A Kidney Stone's #1 Natural Enemy
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
July 25 2009 | 195,351 views

Kidney Stones are among the most painful conditions you can have. Here's what you need to know in order to treat and prevent them.


Dr. Mercola's Comments:
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Before I delve into the topic of kidney stones, I want to remind you that the intent and purpose of this video and article is to provide you with information based on my own experience as a practicing physician for more than 20 years.

Then, using the forum below, called Vital Votes, you can add your own experience, so that collectively, as a community, we can compile a large variety of great strategies to address common health challenges such as kidney stones.

If you're not already registered, take a moment to join the community now – it's completely free.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

In the U.S., about 10-15 percent of adults will be diagnosed with a kidney stone in their lifetime. Roughly 1 million Americans develop kidney stones each year.

Once you have had one kidney stone attack, your chance of recurrence is about 70 to 80 percent, and the younger you are when you have your first attack, the greater your risk of recurrence.

Typically, a kidney stone is the result of a super-saturation of minerals and acid salts in your urine, such as calcium and uric acid, which then crystallize and form solid masses. This can happen if you don't drink enough fluids, and if your urine is highly acidic or highly alkaline.

Certain drugs can also promote kidney stones, such as Lasix (furosemide), Topomax (topiramate), and Xenical, among others.

Most kidney stones contain crystals of various types, with calcium as the key ingredient. However, usually one type of crystals predominates, and determining the type helps you identify the underlying cause.

The most common type is calcium oxalate stones, comprising about 75 percent of all cases. Oxalate is found in some fruits and vegetables, but your liver actually produces most of your oxalate.

You'd think one of the solutions for avoiding kidney stones would be to eliminate or radically reduce your intake of calcium, because calcium is part of the stone, but that is actually NOT a wise strategy.

This is because, normally, the calcium in your diet binds to the oxalate, and helps you excrete it in other ways than through your urine.

Other types of stones, and their underlying causes, include:

    • Struvite stones: Found more often in women, these are almost always the result of urinary tract infections.
    • Uric acid stones: These are a byproduct of protein metabolism. They're commonly seen with gout, and may result from certain genetic factors and disorders of your blood-producing tissues.
    • Cystine stones: Represent a very small percentage of kidney stones. These are the result of a hereditary disorder that causes your kidneys to excrete massive amounts of certain amino acids (cystinuria).

Two risk factors that elevate your chances of developing kidney stones include high blood pressure and digestive problems.

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Most likely you'll never know you have a stone until it moves into your ureter—the tube connecting your kidney to your bladder. At that point, common symptoms include:

  • Pain in your side and back, below your ribs
  • Episodes of pain lasting 20 to 60 minutes, of varying intensity
  • Pain "waves" radiating from your side and back, to your lower abdomen and groin
  • Bloody, cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Pain with urination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • "Urgency" (persistent urge to urinate)
  • Fever and chills (indicates an infection is also present)

The pain you feel is a result of distention of the tissues above the stone, since it is blocking the passage of urine, rather than from the pressure of the stone itself.

To diagnose a kidney stone you can collect the kidney stone and have it analyzed for a definitive answer, or you can do a 24-hour urine test. This is a useful strategy to ascertain any imbalances in your urine that contribute and predispose you to develop stones.

Watch What You Eat if You Have Kidney Stones

There are a number of strategies you can use to treat this condition. If you suffer mainly from calcium oxalate stones, you'll want to minimize the amount of oxalates in your body (as opposed to reducing your calcium intake).

Two foods in particular contribute to creating oxalates, namely soy, and beer. If you've read my newsletter for any amount of time, you already know I warn against unfermented soy products for a number of reasons, but preventing the formation of kidney stones is yet another.

Other foods that contain high levels of oxalate that you'll want to avoid include:

  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb
  • Chocolate
  • Parsley
  • Beetroot
  • Strawberries
  • Wheat flour
  • Pepper
  • Nuts

A diet high in sugar can also set you up for stones, since sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body by interfering with calcium and magnesium absorption.

Diets high in processed salt are also bad news as salt increases the amount of calcium and oxalate in your urine. Processed foods have notoriously high salt content and should therefore be avoided as much as possible.

Keep in mind that the salt referenced here is processed salt, like your regular table salt, not high quality, unprocessed salts that contain numerous essential minerals that your body actually needs for optimal health.

Naturally, eating fresh, whole foods according to your nutritional type is the best way to ensure you're eating what your body needs for optimal performance, regardless of what health conditions you seek to avoid or improve.

Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones with Plain Water

Probably the single most effective way to prevent and treat kidney stones is to make sure you're drinking enough water.

Actually, the number one risk factor for kidney stones is not staying hydrated enough, as it prevents your urine from dissolving minerals and acid salts.

One of the ways you'll know if you're drinking enough is to look at the color of your urine. Ideally, you'll want your urine to be a light yellow. If it's dark yellow or even orange, it may be a clue that you're not drinking enough.

Every person's water requirement is different, depending on your particular system and activity level, but simply keeping your urine light yellow will go a long way toward preventing kidney stones.

Remember to increase your water intake whenever you increase your activity, and during summer months when you're likely to sweat more. Also know that once you're thirsty it's usually too late. Thirst is usually a sign of dehydration.

The only condition that will interfere with that analysis is if you're taking a multivitamin containing B vitamins, or a B vitamin complex. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), specifically, tends to turn your urine a bright, fluorescent yellow, which will prevent you from using the color of your urine as a guide.

Are You Still Drinking Soda?

With respect to your fluids, you also want to stay away from soda as it is loaded with phosphorous.

Sadly, the number one source of calories in the U.S. is from soda, and is in many cases the main source of fluids. The average
American drinks a staggering 56 gallons of soda a year, which is a surefire way to ensure health problems, including an increased risk of kidney stones.

In fact, children as young as five years old are now starting to struggle with kidney stones, and soda consumption is a major contributor to this disturbing trend.

Also, diet soda is probably worse for your health than regular soda, so please don't think switching to a "lighter" variety will make a positive difference.

Quitting soda is one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your health, and can reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. If you're struggling to quit drinking soda, a very effective technique called Turbo Tapping may help reduce your cravings.

Other Approaches That Can Help Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. If you do get a large kidney stone, naturally you will not be able to pass it without some type of intervention.

In the past they had to do surgery to physically remove these larger stones, but now there are some more advanced options such as extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. This treatment entails being submerged in a tub of water where sound waves traveling through the liquid shatter the stones. They then pass as gravel through your urine in a few days or weeks.

Lastly, it may surprise you, but exercise is a very important aspect of kidney stone prevention. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you definitely raise your risk of developing stones, so implementing a regular exercise regimen can go a long way to keep kidney stones at bay.

Hopefully, by applying the principles above you will prevent it from ever getting to that stage, because kidney stones are no laughing matter, painful as they are.

So if you know someone who suffers with kidney stones on a regular basis, hopefully you'll pass this article along to them, because this is the type of information you, and your friends and family, can use to take control of your health.

Related Links:

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The best way to beat cancer and other chronic illnesses is to prevent them in the first place. Now there's a revolutionary, new high-tech diagnostic tool called thermography that can help detect cancer and disease anywhere in your body. It's safe, painless, and reliable. Why take the chance of developing a serious illness when you can stop it in its tracks. Don't procrastinate – schedule your thermogram

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[MedicalConspiracies] Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level - Here is another TAX on a SCAM!!!

Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level


Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level

Individuals and businesses in Austin and a plethora of other states to be taxed for emissions of life-giving gas carbon dioxide

Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level austin texas 1a


Globalists intent on ushering in a zero-growth post-industrial society are bypassing the federal government's stuttering efforts to implement the cap and trade scam and going directly to the states in an effort to impose their control freak tax on the very life-giving gas that we all exhale – carbon dioxide.

Even as the foundation of the argument that human emissions of CO2 cause global warming crumbles and collapses amidst scandal after scandal, energy companies and state authorities are still pushing ahead with sinister plans to mandate that individuals and businesses get government allowances and permits to emit carbon dioxide.

KLBJ radio reports that Austin Energy, which powers the city, presented to the Austin City Council "Austin Energy's Carbon Reduction Plan," which goes even further than the federal cap and trade bill in calling for CO2 emissions to be reduced by 20% by 2025.

The fact that energy companies are behind this again disproves the flawed notion that oil and electricity companies oppose the global warming movement, when in fact they are its major adherents. The climate change scam is a goldmine for them because effectively licensing CO2 emissions only drives up utility prices – the costs are passed on to the consumer and their profits soar.

Austin Energy head Roger Duncan told the Austin City Council that the program would cost around $2.6 billion, but since the cost such initiatives is routinely underestimated, expect a final figure that is significantly higher. He admitted that the plan would cause energy prices to rise.

This will of course result in much higher energy bills for the general public because they will be forced to buy permits from the government to emit the deadly life-giving gas carbon dioxide.

The program will also include a Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure Ordinance, which will empower environmental goons to perform energy audits on every house over ten years old when it is put up for sale. The new enforcement would also require "an energy audit/rating for all non-industrial commercial buildings with 5,000 square feet or more and multifamily properties with five or more units, aged 10 years or older."

A similar system was introduced in 2007 in the UK amidst widespread derision and loathing. Known as Home Information Packs, shortly after they were introduced the British property market crashed as sellers refused to pay the fee, which was mandatory for all home sales. The system has since become notorious as nothing more than an odious new tax.

Despite the fact that the carbon trading market, along with "smart meter" programs, have been exposed as slush fund scams owned by the very globalists fearmongering about man-made climate change – namely Al Gore and Maurice Strong –

designed to line the pockets of habitual con men who have been caught over and over again lying about the evidence behind global warming, states are now adopting their own version of the scheme so that the trick can be played on an unsuspecting public who still think that cap and trade hasn't been implemented.

In reality, as Bloomberg News reports, "State government actions are likely to dominate the emerging U.S. carbon market in 2010," with programs set to expand. "A group of Northeastern states already has a carbon market and two more regional programs in the Midwest and West plan to follow suit," states the article.

As we have highlighted in the past, the ultimate goal is to reduce carbon emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050, a move that would inflict a new Great Depression, cost millions of jobs, and sink America to near third world status.

The agenda to cut carbon emissions by 80 per cent is a huge leap towards the ultimate goal, expressed by the Carnegie Institute in 2008 and afforded sober credibility by the corporate media – a complete reduction down to zero carbon emissions, which would return mankind to the agrarian age and completely reverse hundreds of years of technological progress.

This is the ultimate tax on life and a dream come true for control freaks and globalist organizations like the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome who have openly pushed for a "post-industrial zero-growth society" where our standards of living are drastically reduced.

As internationally bestselling author and Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin writes in his book The Bilderberg Group, "In a post-industrial period, zero growth will be necessary to destroy vestiges of general prosperity. When there is prosperity, there is progress. Prosperity and progress make it impossible to implement repression, and you need repression if you hope to divide society into owners and slaves. The end of prosperity will bring an end to the production of nuclear-generated electric power (as well as coal-fired plants – ed)

and all industrialization (except for the computer and service industries.)

 The remaining Canadian and American industries would be exported to poor countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, where slave labor is cheap. One of the principal objectives for NAFTA will then be realized."

 Research related links

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Even the Europeans never really enforced their own cap and trade regulations, so their carbon ... A sad state of affairs, but near as ... 1) There was first in the 1970's the globaloney cooling scam (see e.g.
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Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level Individuals and businesses in Austin and a plethora of other states to be taxed for emissions of life-giving ...
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informationliberation - The next big scam: carbon dioxide **
Under cap and trade, companies need permits for the right to emit CO2 as part of their operations. ... Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level - Candidate Obama ...
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Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level «… **
8 hours ago"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
www.dprogram.net/ 2010/ 01/ 29/ cap-and-trade-scam-to-be-enforced-at-state-level/  
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Propaganda Matrix.com: Exposing the 4th Reich of the Elite **
Cap And Trade Scam To Be Enforced At State Level. Globalists intent on ... stuttering efforts to implement the cap and trade scam and going directly to the states ...
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