Aug 3, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Fwd: Secret sales of milk from cloned cows

I wonder what all kind of complications this can cause in the end.  I bet it can have a negative effect on our bodies.

Food Watchdog Investigates Secret Sales of Milk From Cloned Cows

Milk from the offspring of cloned cows is secretly - and illegally - going into high street shops.

I suppose you all know that meat from cloned cows is approved..unlabeled on the supermarket shelves.  Any by an by...that will be the standard.

And perhaps you know that the FDA now has guidelines for Genetically Engineered animals (livestock).

It is all big business owning life forms and controlling the industry under the guise of "safe food" Eileen


Eileen Dannemann
Director,  National Coalition of Organized Women
                          917 804-0786

“It requires courage to utter truth; for the higher Truth lifts her voice, the louder will error scream, until its inarticulate sound is forever silenced in oblivion”…Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science

                          917 804-0786
