Aug 3, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Poor Hospital Hygiene Kills Thousands!

Daily Dose - Poor hospital hygiene kills thousands

Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

Poor hospital hygiene kills thousands

Imagine a country where the hospitals are so bad, tens of thousands of
people are killed by filth, ignorance and stupidity.

Stop imagining -- because this isn't some Third World stinkhole I'm talking
about... these deaths take place in the dirty dives that pass for hospitals
right here in the United States.

In fact, 80,000 people get sick and 30,000 people die every year just from
dirty catheters or unclean nurses sticking them in and yanking them out.
These illnesses are so common there's even a name for them: catheter-related
bloodstream infections, or CRBSIs.

We could eliminate literally all of them -- and the need for that long
abbreviation  -- with simple common-sense hygiene.

As you might expect, nurses say it's not their fault. I'd say they washed
their hands of the blame -- but clearly, there's not a lot of hand-washing
going on around here.

In a survey conducted by the Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology, the nurses blamed everything from paperwork to
poor training to lack of funds.

Give me a break! How much training and money do you need before you start
washing your hands? Kindergarteners know this stuff by heart -- maybe we
should put them to work in hospitals.

Of course, these CRBSIs are just one of the many ways even a minor hospital
stay can turn deadly in a heartbeat. All told, nearly 2 million Americans
get infections in the hospital -- and at least 100,000 die, every single

And then there are all the medical screw-ups, from drug mix-ups to botched
procedures to plain old neglect. The numbers will vary depending on who you
ask, but no matter who's numbers you use medical mistakes are among the top
10 causes of death in the entire nation, killing between 100,000 and 250,000
people a year.

And there's just no excuse for it.

If you find yourself in that special hell known as a hospital, make sure you
have someone who can watch you -- and your nurses and doctors -- like a hawk
Your life is quite literally on the line.


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Pricey shoes won't stop running injuries

If you want to waste your cash on running shoes, be my guest.

Just don't buy into the marketing hype, because a new study shows how
high-price sneakers won't make a dime's bit of difference when it comes to
preventing the injuries that strike up to 80 percent of all runners each

And they'll even leave you with less padding in the wallet if you take a

Researchers assigned 1,400 Marine recruits -- kids who do their share of
-- to either an ordinary running shoe, or one of three New Balance sneakers
supposedly designed to compensate for how runners distribute their weight
with each stride.

The recruits alternated their sneakers with the usual combat boots for 12
weeks of basic training -- but they may as well have gone barefoot.
Researchers say 42 percent of men in custom shoes were injured, versus 41
percent of those who wore plain old sneakers.

For women, 37 percent in custom shoes were injured versus 45 percent in
ordinary shoes -- but researchers say that difference isn't statistically
significant, according to the study in The American Journal of Sports

Other studies have also found that the shoes don't matter -- and more than a
few have found they can actually increase your risk of injury. One of my
favorites found that running in some high-priced athletic shoes can be worse
on your knee joints than walking in high-heeled shoes.

Running and jogging are bad for your feet, bad for your knees, bad for your
joints and bad for your heart. It's an unsafe behavior -- and for many
people, it's driven more by compulsion than health.

Compulsively right,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

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