Dec 24, 2010

MedicalConspiracies- Before taking Arimidex read and Get educated

Search Results

  1. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Erythema multiforme) in Arimidex ...

    Real world drug outcomes: 28 people have Toxic epidermal necrolysis when taking Arimidex. Find out who take the drug, for how long, and how severe is Toxic ... - Cached
  2. Toxic skin eruption in Arimidex, reported by 9 people -

    Real world drug outcomes: 9 people have Toxic skin eruption when using ...

  1. Arimidex and Anastrozole - Attorney, Lawsuit, Law Suit, Case ...

    Arimidex and Anastrozole Information. News and Information on Arimidex, Attorneys and Lawyers at - Cached
  2. Arimidex Causes Lymphedema? | BC Advisor

    10 posts - 6 authors
    ... with their meds, ...  there's a class-action-type lawsuit ... There's is data that suggest Arimidex causes lymphedema, Susan. ... Forum List  Breast Cancer - Cached - Similar
  3. All Arimidex messages

    3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 18, 2006
    I was on Arimidex for 18 months and finally discontinued it several ... to gather as many names as possible for a class action lawsuit. ...,6865,0.htm - Cached - Similar

I do understand that there are many causes & kinds of short-term memory loss.

After chemotherapy, I was recovering & doing pretty good, until they put me on Arimidex. This caused a condition which I've labelled "Dead
Head". In many ways, it felt different from any adverse reactions which
I'd ever experienced before. The symptoms were different.

Instant severe depression, a cut-off of emotions & feelings (a deadness), extreme sickness/weakness/dizziness, extreme short-term memory loss, extreme itching & burning over body (esp. back area, upper back & neck & shoulder areas) which kept getting worse, nausea, extreme shortness of breath, loss of balance, collapse shortly after standing, difficulty walking, ... extreme joint pain & inflammation which kept getting worse & kept spreading to other areas, ...

The docs refused to admit the problem was the Arimidex, & kept giving me
BS answers & wrong leads, causing delays, ... & refusing to refer me to complementary or alternative care, to a competent doctor who might help, or to good bloodwork & diagnosis, ... even though I was obviously very sick & weak, & couldn't find or get competent medical care. 

[M D Anderson also refused this information, ... refused help & referrals. I can't understand how MDA in Houston, or Parkland in
Dallas, can get any good ratings in a survey, unless the results are somehow fixed/rigged.]

The types of short-term memory loss which Arimidex causes, ... by its inflaming & irritating the body, brain & nervous system (immediately & completely from the beginning, then worse & worse over time), ... seem to be mostly permanent, ... as is the lymphedema which the Arimidex (after about a year of my taking it) caused in my left arm. 

Arimidex did a lot of harm, a lot of permanent damage.

This is heartbreaking. A major betrayal.

If the docs are so danged-dumb, that they can't do any better than this, .. then they shouldn't be practicing medicine, nor charging big $$$ for it. 

They need to do better testing up-front, to see exactly which women
Arimidex will help, ... & which ones it will poison, destroy their health & any chance for quality of life.

For me, Arimidex proved a very dangerous, dastardly & destructive drug.

Many times daily, I hope & pray for justice without mercy, for each & every morally-sick, dumbed-down & low-life b*stard, who is overly-pushing this harmful drug onto women, without doing good & proper testing first.

Arimidex can permanently damage & maim. It can also kill.

Susan, Su_Texas my opinions