Dec 24, 2010

MedicalConspiracies- Gluten, Leaky Brain, and Epilepsy (Seizures)

Gluten, Leaky Brain, and Epilepsy (Seizures)

Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg?

It has long been held that chronic seizures cause blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage. Recent studies have also demonstrated that BBB damage triggers seizures.


Brain Res. 2010 Sep 24;1353:176-86. Epub 2010 Jun 27.

Mov Disord. 2009 Oct 30;24(14):2162-3.

We know that gluten sensitivity can contribute to seizures.  We know that gluten sensitivity can contribute to blood brain barrier permeability (leaky brain).  We know that a leaky brain will contribute to seizures and epilepsy.  Thus the circle is complete.

Standard treatment for seizure disorders is typically medication (antiepileptic medication or AED’s).  Unfortunately, the drugs do not actually correct the seizure disorder, they just reduce the occurrence of seizures.

The real question is, why are the seizures occurring in the first place.  Too often doctors look for a symptomatic fix over the origin of the problem.  This leaves patients no better off and in many cases worse off because the medications used for epilepsy lead to B-vitamin deficiency.

B-vitamin deficiency can cause neurological disease, contribute to seizures, neuropathy, and so on and so on and so on…

And so we wonder how many people with seizure disorders are gluten sensitive?  And because epilepsy is for the most part caused by an “unknown etiology”, we wait for doctors to open their eyes to the possibility that epilepsy (seizure disorders) can be caused by gluten exposure.