Your Body's Energy Meridians
Western Medicine looks at the body physically (X-rays, CT scans,
biopsies, MRIs, mammograms) and chemically (blood tests).
The quantum (energy) aspect of the body has been overlooked
except for the EKG of the heart, EEG of the brain, and EMG of
nerve and muscle. Basically the difference between a corpse and
a living being is that the corpse no longer has energy flowing
through it.
In the late 1940's, Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German medical doctor
and engineer with an extensive background in acupuncture,
started researching and validating a testing method now known
as EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll or EDS -
Electro-Dermal Screening). In acupuncture, there are twelve major
energy meridians that traverse the body. Specific acupuncture
points with electromagnetic characteristics exist along the
meridians as outlined below.

Dr. Voll was able to measure skin resistance along these different
meridians and correlate the measurements to different organ
systems. For example, the large intestine meridian starts on the
index finger and ends at the nose. The different points along this
large intestine meridian correlate to different areas of the large
Dr. Voll demonstrated that when a acupuncture point on the large
intestine meridian had a change in skin resistance, there existed
a weakness in the large intestine that was associated with
symptoms that the patient was experiencing. His most significant
discovery was that he was able to show that when he added a
natural substance to return the skin resistance to normal, the
patient felt better.
A partial list of research validating the body's energy meridians
and electromagnetic nature includes:
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